
来源 :中国广告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yq_ma
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文章通过近年来具有代表性的广告作品分析当代西方广告艺术的价值取向,得出西方广告艺术正往加强物质的精神化、自我认同的符号化、消费是为了地球的环保、隐秘的欲望不再隐秘这四个方面发展,并且得出这个时代的广告人不再试图隐藏商品美学的符号,广告开始了从霸权的转型,更广阔的空间自由开启,强调个性的诉求,强调个体在消费和使用产品时进行自我选择的结论。 Through the analysis of the value orientation of contemporary western advertising art through the representative advertising works in recent years, the article draws the western advertising art to enhance the materialization and self-identity of symbolism. The consumption is for the sake of the earth’s environmental protection and the hidden desire no longer Hidden and secret development of these four areas, and come to this era of advertising is no longer trying to hide the symbol of commodity aesthetics, advertising began a transition from hegemony, a wider open space, emphasizing the individual demands, emphasizing the individual consumption and use Product self-selection conclusion.
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这一成果是德宏州民营科技研究机构,在不要国家财政投入一分钱,不要政府一个编制的基础上,依靠科技人员艰苦奋斗,团结拼搏,求实创新而研究开发的最新成果。 This achieveme
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以“心脏”为例,以班级文化为引子,以主题活动为助力,以情感目标为源头,把“煽情”糅合到生物学教学中,提高课堂教学效果。 Take “heart ” as an example, taking class