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1、完成改制,成立了我国第一个专业从事焊接行业工作的专业化股份有限公司今年初,为顺应时代和行业发展,适应国有企业体制改革发展的需要,成都电焊机研究所进行大胆的体制改革,经过策划,并在得到焊接设备行业的大力支持下,经国家相关部门的批准,成立了以研究所为主导的、专业从事我国焊接行业技术进步和行业发展事业、具有现代企业制度特征的有限责任公司——成都奥力焊研行业发展有限责任公司。公司主要从事行业发展、行业国际合作、行业技术发展以及中国焊接资讯网站的工作。整体接受了成都电焊机研究所从事行业工作的人员和业务,集中成都电焊机研究所三十多年行业工作的优势,以崭新的体制、现代的管理理念和真诚务实作风,在新 1, the completion of the restructuring, the establishment of China’s first specialized in the welding industry specialized Co., Ltd. Earlier this year, in order to comply with the times and industry development, state-owned enterprises to adapt to the needs of the reform and development of the system, Chengdu Institute of welding brave system Reform, through planning, and with the strong support of the welding equipment industry, approved by the relevant state departments, set up a research institute-led, specialized in China’s welding industry, technological progress and career development, with the characteristics of the modern enterprise system Limited liability company - Chengdu Austrian research and development of the industry limited liability company. The company mainly engaged in the development of the industry, international cooperation in the industry, industry technology development and China Welding Information Website. Overall acceptance of Chengdu Welding Research Institute engaged in industry work of personnel and business, focus Chengdu Welding Institute more than thirty years of industry work advantages, with a new system, modern management philosophy and sincere and pragmatic style, in the new
中国企业对美出口贸易近年来呈递增之势,但与此同时,美国公司由于破产、坏账或恶意欺诈等原因拖欠中国企业应收账款的债务也在不断增加,因受限中美两国法律的差异,以及在美诉讼的高成本,中国企业往往处于“讨债无门”的窘境。  中国国内第一家由中美两国律师指导、共同为中国出口美国贸易提供追债防债法律保护的出口企业同盟,日前已进入紧锣密鼓的筹建阶段,该同盟奉行的“不成功、不收费”模式,将极大地降低中国企业的追债
德国政府5日公布了一项包括14项政策法规在内的能源和气候保护一揽子方案,以提高能源利用效率和增加可再生能源的使用比例。 The German government announced on the 5th a
在多雨的夏天,许多家庭主妇们将衣服晒在阳台上。但是夏天多暴风雨,而当她们出家门时,衣服还没来得及收便全部打湿了。 In the rainy summer, many housewives dried their