无菌性脑膜炎是发热、脑膜刺激症状及脑脊液中淋巴细胞为主体的细胞增多,脑脊液涂片及培养均不能检查出细菌的综合征。 其病因大致可分为感染性与非感染性的两类。非感染性者极少,多数为由病毒引起的感染。现在“无菌性脑膜炎”与“病毒性脑膜炎”同义使用。 病因 非感染性的原因为变态反应性因素,恶性肿瘤,各种物质的中毒因素等。感染性的原因除病毒以外,还有立克次氏体、螺旋体、真菌、原虫、支原体,结核早期等。但是占压倒多数的病例为病毒引起。主要为肠道病毒及流行性腮腺炎病毒引起。
Aseptic meningitis is fever, meningeal irritation and cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytes as the main body cells increased, cerebrospinal fluid smear and culture can not detect the bacterial syndrome. The causes can be divided into two categories of infectious and non-infectious. Very few non-infectives, mostly caused by the virus infection. Aseptic meningitis is now synonymous with viral meningitis. The cause of non-infectious due to allergic factors, malignant tumors, various toxic substances and so on. In addition to the causes of infectious virus, there are rickettsia, spirochetes, fungi, protozoa, mycoplasma, early tuberculosis and so on. However, the overwhelming majority of cases are caused by viruses. Mainly caused by enterovirus and mumps virus.