
来源 :云南林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ososa
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试管繁殖法作为快速无性繁殖的有力工具,显示出其优势,正在逐渐应用于生产。但由于组培技术还处于与开发同时并进的阶段,通常伴有成本高、经济吸引力不大的问题。而从技术应用的角度来看,培养物的快速繁殖,不能和生产成本、经济效益分开来讨论,即使是技术上业已成熟的培养片法,也还有待进一步完善。分析试管植物的成本构成,其中电能消耗占很大一部分。因此,降低成本、简化程序的研究可以从这里入手进行。据此,我们从1986年开始进行了自然光照利用、自来水配制培养基,应用抗菌素降低污染率等方面的试验。 As a powerful tool for rapid clonal propagation, the test tube propagation method shows its advantages and is gradually being applied to production. However, tissue culture technology is still at the same time with the development phase, usually accompanied by high cost, economic attractiveness is not big problem. From a technical application point of view, the rapid propagation of culture can not be discussed separately from the production costs and economic benefits. Even the technologically mature culture plate method needs to be further improved. Analysis of the cost of test-tube plants, of which a large part of the power consumption. Therefore, the study of reducing costs and simplifying procedures can be carried out from here. Accordingly, we started from 1986 on the use of natural light, tap water preparation of media, the application of antibiotics to reduce pollution and other aspects of the test.
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我们在1981~1983年进行的松树木屑熟料栽培平菇试验(见本刊1982年第4期)成功的基础上,1984年又进一步对松树木屑生料栽培平菇作了研究,同样得到了较好的效果,现报道如下。 B
孩子是上天赐予的宝贵种子,而瑜伽,则是上天赋予人类自然健康的礼物。带孩子做瑜伽,借由肢体运动以及游戏活动,与孩子进一步沟通密切感情。 Children are God-given preciou