(be)used to及相关词语的用法

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  1. Uncle Wang looks so fine in recent days. He_______ a lot,but he has given it up.
  A. was used to smoke B. used to smoke
  C. was used to smoking D. is used to smoking
  2. Mum prepares breakfast for us every morning,so she_______ early.
  A. used to get up B. is used for getting up
  C. used to getting up D. is used to getting up
  3. Mr Smith told me that he wasn’t used to_______ by plane and he used to_______ sick a lot.
  A. traveling;feel B. travel;feeling
  C. travel;feel D. traveling;feeling
  4. Usually computers_______ to search the Internet.
  A. use B. are using
  C. are used D. used
  5. All the information except these two pieces_______ writing the article.
  A. have been used to B. has been used to
  C. have been used for D. has been used for
  (Key:1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D)
  要想做好上面几道题,就必须弄清(be) used to及其相关词语的意义和用法。
  1. used to
  used to后面应接动词原形,used to do sth表示“过去常常做某事(而现在不做了)”。它不仅用来表示“过去的习惯”,也可用来表示“过去的状态”。例如:
  I used to swim in this river when I was young. 我小的时候常在这条河里游泳。
  There used to be an apple tree in my garden. 过去在我家的花园里有一棵苹果树。
  使用used to时还应注意以下三点:
  (1) 在书面语中,used to的否定形式为used not to。 在口语中,used to的否定形式为usedn’t to或didn’t use to。 例如:
  She used not to like Beijing Opera. /She didn’t use to like Beijing Opera. 过去她不喜欢京剧。
  (2) 把含有used to的陈述句改为一般疑问句时,可以把used提至句首,也可在句首用did。 例如:
  Used it to rain a lot here in summer? /Did it use to rain a lot here in summer? 过去这儿夏天经常下雨吗?
  (3) 对含有used to的陈述句进行反问时,构成反意疑问句的形式有两种。一是在附加问句中加助动词did,二是在附加问句中直接使用used或used’t。 例如:
  You used to study hard,didn’t you/usedn’t you? 你过去学习努力,对吗?
  2. be used to
  be used to有不同的时态形式,其中的to是介词,后面常接名词或V-ing形式,be是系动词。 be used to的意思是“习惯于……”,强调状态。有时be可以换为get或become,以表示“逐渐习惯于”之意。例如:
  Old people are used to getting up early in the morning. 老年人习惯早晨早起。
  You’ll soon become used to the work here. 你马上就会习惯在这儿工作的。
  I wasn’t used to city life,but now I have got used to living in this city. 我以前不习惯都市生活,但现在我已习惯住在这座城市了。
  3. be used to do sth
  被动结构be used to do sth中的to是动词不定式符号,后接动词原形;而be used为被动形式,表示“被用来做某事”。例如:
  Coal can be used to keep warm. 煤可以用来取暖。
  4. be used for (doing) sth
  被动结构be used for中的for是介词,后接名词或V-ing形式,表示“……被用来做某事”,与be used to do sth同义。例如:
  Keys are used for locking and opening the door. /Keys are used to lock and open the door. 钥匙用来锁门和开门。
  5. be used as sth
  被动结构be used as意为“被用作……”,其中的介词as表示“作为”之意。例如:
  This grammar book can be used as a textbook. 这本语法书可当教科书使用。
  6. be used by sb
  被动结构be used by sb表示“被……使用”,其中介词by的后面接动作的执行者。例如:
  English is widely used by the people all over the world. 英语被全世界的人广泛使用。
  【练一练】 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。
  1. He used to_______ in the sun,but now he is used to_______ in the library.
  A. read;read B. reading;read
  C. read;reading D. reading;reading
  2. —_______you_______ take a bus to school?
  —Yes. But now I usually go to school on foot.
  A. Did;use to B. Were;used to
  C. Do;use to D. Usedn’t;to
  3. —What do you use this tool for?
  —It_______ hair.
  A. is used by B. is used for cutting
  C. is used as cutting D. is used to cutting
  4. During the war the house_______ a prison.
  A. is used as B. was used for
  C. used to be D. was used as
  5. His father never used to smoke,_______ he?
  A. usedn’t B. didn’t C. used D. does
  Key:1-5 CABDC
成功蓝图    别人疑惑时你坚信。  别人玩耍时你规划。  别人休息时你学习。  别人犹豫时你决断。  别人幻想时你准备。  别人拖延时你开始。  别人空想时你工作。  别人撅嘴时你微笑。  别人批评时你赞扬。  别人放弃时你坚持。
在中考英语“书面表达”题中,考生常犯的错误有如下几种:  1 审题不清。2008年中考作文要求写一项最喜欢的课外活动。有些考生将作文的主题定位为“我最喜欢的活动”。这样就偏离了“一项、课外活动”这一主题。
I.单项填空(10分)1.What he said made her。 A.happily  B.angrily  c.crying  D.angry
1 她宁愿呆在家读本好书也不愿意去看一部枯燥的电影。
Unitl3    1.Rainy days make me sad,(P102)雨天让我忧伤。
一、听力(略)  二、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)  21 —I don't know how to use this machine.  —It doesn'tmatter.Hereisthe_____
一、听力理解(共20分)(略)  二、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)  21 Who is your math teacher?  —There!_____man in glasses.
I 听力理解(共20分)(略)  Ⅱ 单项选择(共15分)