灵武市发展和改革局 履行发展改革工作职能 力促灵武经济跨越发展

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2012年以来,灵武市发展和改革局紧紧围绕“稳增长、控物价、调结构、惠民生、抓改革、促发展”目标,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,把项目建设作为推动经济跨越式发展的核心和抓手,以科学的思路和目标引领发展,抓大事、办实事、搞服务,力促灵武经济社会跨越发展。调查研究深入开展。密切关注国家产业政策,深入研究西部大开发、陕甘宁革命老区振兴规划、呼包银兰青经济带、银鄂榆能源金三角、沿黄经济区等国家战略,加强调查研究,形成《宁夏(灵武)内陆开放临空经济区发展与建设基本思路》,并积极配合申报宁夏内陆开放型经济实验区。 Since 2012, the Bureau of Development and Reform of Lingwu closely follows the goal of “stabilizing growth, controlling prices, adjusting structure, benefiting the people, grasping reforms and promoting development”, thoroughly implements the scientific concept of development, and takes project construction as a catalyst for promoting the economy Leap-forward development of the core and starting point, with scientific ideas and goals to lead the development, grasp major events, do practical things, engage in services, and promote Lingwu economic and social leapfrog development. Investigation and research in depth. Pay close attention to the state’s industrial policy and conduct a thorough study of the national strategy of developing the western region, revitalizing the old revolutionary base areas of Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and other economic strategies such as the Silver Eylum Energy Golden Triangle and the Yellow River Economic Zone; intensifying investigations and research; Wu) inland opening up airport economic zone development and construction of basic ideas ", and actively cooperate to declare Ningxia outback open economy experimental zone.
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The present study investigated the antiarrhythmic activity of alcoholic extract of Tinospora cordifolia (T.cordifolia) in CaCl 2 induced arrhythmia.CaCl 2 (25 m
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