
来源 :中华人民共和国国务院公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kfanffvga
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1956年9月14日本院发布的关于处理高等学校调干学生和工农速成中学学生退学问题的通知中规定:凡退学的学生和不适宜或者不愿意升学以及报考高等学校没有被录取的工农速成中学毕业生,具有工作条件的,统一由学校所在地的省、自治区或直辖市的人事、劳动部门分配工作,这在当时退学学生和毕业生人数不多,而各部门各地区大量需要工作人员的情况下,为了照顾备部门各地区的工作需要和合理分配这些学生的工作,这样规定是适当的。但是今年高等学校调干学生和工农速成中学学生退学的人数不仅不会比去年减少,而且因为今年高等学校的招生任务减少了,全国八千多任务农速成中 The notice issued by the Japanese Academy on September 14, 1956, concerning the handling of the problem of students dropping out of colleges and universities and students from high school students in secondary schools, stipulated that students who dropped out of school and those who are unwilling or unwilling to go to school and apply to colleges and universities for failing to be accepted into the College For graduates who have working conditions, they shall be assigned by the personnel and labor departments of the province, autonomous region, or municipality where the school is located. This will result in a small number of students and graduates who drop out at the time, and there is a large number of workers in all departments and regions. This provision is appropriate in order to take care of the work needs of the various regions of the preparation department and to rationally distribute the work of these students. However, this year, the number of college students and student-peasant accelerated secondary school students who drop out of school will not only decrease compared with last year, but also because the enrollment tasks for colleges and universities will be reduced this year, and more than 8,000 tasks will be completed in the country.
12月2日,上海市档案馆馆长吴辰会见了来访的美国旧金山大学利玛窦中西文化研究所所长吴小新博士。吴辰首先对今年上海市档案代表团访美期间,吴小新博士给予的热情接待 On De
俗话说:“鱼长三伏,猪长春秋”,夏末秋初季节正是鱼类生长旺季,也是鱼类发病高峰季节,对鱼池要特别注意加强管理,主要应注意以下几点。 As the saying goes: “fish long S