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我厂是一个有40多年历史的建筑防水材料专业化生产厂。有5条生产线,其中制毡生产线2条,沥青氧化工艺线1条,防水涂料生产线2条,另有防水卷材中试线1条。产品系列为防水卷材、防水涂料、嵌缝材料三大类15个品种。从工作的实践中,我们感到:企业的经营管理,只有始终抓住经济效益这个中心环节,努力开拓进取,以精神文明确保物质文明,才能保持活力,不断取得进展。几年来,我们主要是从以下几方面去做的。一、抓管理促效益(一)努力挖掘潜力,降低消耗。我们运用ABC分析法,把油毡的主要原料——沥青和原纸作为挖潜重点。首先,抓岗位经济责任制和TQC管理的落实,使流水线上每道工序岗位都承担一定的经济技术责任,原纸单耗保持在全国最好水平(7.19公斤/ Our factory is a specialized production facility for building waterproof materials with a history of more than 40 years. There are 5 production lines, including 2 felting production lines, 1 asphalt oxidation process line, 2 waterproof coating production lines, and 1 waterproofing material pilot line. The product line is composed of 15 types of waterproof membranes, waterproof coatings and caulking materials. From the practice of the work, we feel that: The company’s operation and management, only if it always grasps the central link of economic benefits, strives to forge ahead and advance, and ensure the material civilization with spiritual civilization in order to maintain vitality and make continuous progress. In the past few years, we have mainly done the following aspects. First, pay attention to management and promote efficiency (a) work hard to tap potential, reduce consumption. We use ABC analysis to make asphalt-based and base paper the main raw material for linoleum as a potential tapping point. First, the implementation of the economic responsibility system for posts and the implementation of TQC management have enabled each process station on the assembly line to assume certain economic and technical responsibilities. The original paper consumption has remained at the best level in the country (7.19 kg/year).
一、问题的提出目前,我国基础学段外语教学现状不容乐观, 外语教学水平、教学方法普遍存在费时较多、收效较低的问题;由于我们生活在汉语的世界中,学生在课堂外几乎听不到英
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我国的能源消耗随着经济的发展而不断的增高,尤其是建筑行业,从而导致我国资源短缺形式愈发的严重。本文就分析了南沙档案信息展览中心的绿色建筑设计。 China’s energy co
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