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为掌握石河子垦区学龄前儿童、中小学生肠道寄生虫感染水平 ,进一步开展其集体驱虫防治研究。使用改良加藤厚涂片法 ;卢戈氏液直接涂片法 ;塑料薄膜透明胶纸肛拭法进行感染水平调查。集体驱虫防治应用阿苯达唑片剂 ,7岁以下 40 0mg顿服 ,7岁以上 60 0mg顿服的驱虫方法。驱虫二个月后 ,用同样方法进行复查 ,最后用寄生虫感染下降率评价防治效果。结果显示肠道寄生虫调查的受检率为 98.2 5 % ( 5 797/5 90 0 ) ,总的感染率为 44 .83 % ( 2 5 99/5 797)。共查出寄生虫 12种 ,其中原虫 6种 ,蠕虫 6种。各种虫的感染以蛲虫为最高 ( 19.46% ) ,蛔虫次之 ( 14 .0 2 % )。驱虫后寄生虫总感染率为 9.98% ,与驱虫前相比下降了 77.74% ,蛲虫和蛔虫等土源性线虫感染下降率超过 78.0 5 %。微小膜壳绦虫感染下降率为 93 .0 2 %。集体驱虫的服药率达 93 .0 2 %。本次调查结果为石河子垦区学龄前儿童、中小学生肠道寄生虫的分布积累了宝贵的本底资料。本驱虫方法对全垦区学生的肠道线虫和微小膜壳绦虫均取得了明显的防治效果。集体驱虫工作使近 6万名学生受益 ,社会效益显著 To understand the Shihezi reclamation area of ​​preschool children, primary and secondary intestinal infection levels of intestinal parasites, further carry out its collective deworming control study. The use of improved Kato thick smear method; Lugol’s direct smear method; plastic film transparent adhesive tape anal swab infection level survey. Colony insecticide application albendazole tablets, 40 0mg under the age of 7 meals service, more than 7 years old 60 0mg Dayton clothing deworming method. Deworming two months later, with the same method for review, the final rate of decline of parasitic infection evaluation of control effect. The results showed that the detection rate of intestinal parasites was 98.2 5% (5 797/5 90 0) and the total infection rate was 44.83% (2599/5 797). A total of 12 kinds of parasites were found, including 6 kinds of protozoa and 6 kinds of worms. Infestation of various worms was highest with pinworm (19.46%) and roundworm (14.02%). The total parasitic infection rate after deworming was 9.98%, which was 77.74% lower than that before deworming. The decline rate of soil-borne nematodes such as pinworm and roundworm was more than 78.0 5%. Microcapsid tapeworm infection decreased 93.0%. The rate of collective deworming was 93.02%. The survey results for the distribution of intestinal parasites in preschool children, primary and secondary school students in Shihezi reclamation area has accumulated valuable background information. The insect repellent method for all Reclamation students intestinal nematode and Microcirchia have achieved significant control effect. The collective deworming work benefited nearly 60,000 students, with significant social benefits
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重症肌无力危象是神经科急重症之一 ,若不及时抢救 ,死亡率很高。呼吸衰竭是常见死亡原因 ,改善通气功能是抢救成功的关键 ,我院神经科于 1 996年 6月~ 2 0 0 1年 6月采用机械