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初中语文课本第四册《桃花源记》“忽逢桃花林,夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷”中的“落英”该当何解?课本注为“落花”,查有关选本也注为“落花”。《辞海》注:①落花。②初开的花。可见课本及选本之注是取了“落英”义项中的第一义项,把“落”作“掉下来,往下降”之意来解释的。但是细读课文,体味意境,则会发现,这种解释是不够妥贴的。这几句写的是渔人发现桃花源的情况。陶渊明为了把这世外桃源写得无限瑰丽美妙,起笔就非凡脱俗,极力渲染,先色夺人:(溪水潺潺,清澈碧净)两岸桃树蓊郁,花儿乍放,红的、白的,……与那片片绿茵芳草相映成辉,画意盎然,情趣无限,这是多么美丽的境界!因此,使渔人“甚异 The fourth book of the junior middle school language textbook, “The Peach Blossoms in the Source”, “What happened to Peach Blossom Forest, hundreds of steps in the shore, no miscellaneous trees, delicious herbs, and falling flowers” should be understood as “The Fallen Flower”. Check the relevant book also noted as “falling.” “Ci Hai” Note: 1 Fallen flowers. 2 The flower that opened early. It can be seen that the textbook and the selection note are taken from the meaning of the first term in the meaning of “Lying English” and explained by the meaning of “falling down” and “falling down.” But if you read the text carefully and appreciate the artistic conception, you will find that this explanation is not adequate. This sentence is written by fishermen to find out what happened. Tao Yuanming to write this paradise is infinitely magnificent and beautiful, from the beginning on the extraordinary and refined, vigorously rendering, the first color to win people: (steamy stream, clear and clean water) cross-strait peach trees, flowers bloom, red, white,... ...with the piece of green grass, it’s beautiful and interesting. This is a beautiful realm! Therefore, it makes the fisherman "very different.
斑点叉尾鮰是从美国引进的优良养殖品种,具有较高的经济效益。但是,其病害较多,加之对一些药物很敏感,因此,正确诊治病害是养殖成功的关键。 Channel catfish is introduce
一、填空: 1.集合A是y=log 1/2(2x-1)的定义域,集合B是y=5sinx-1的值域。 则:A∩B=—— First, fill in the blank: 1. Set A is the domain of y=log 1/2 (2x-1), and set
在初中《几何》第一册,介绍了著名的勾股定理:直角三角形两直角边a、b的平方和等于斜边c的平方。 a~2+b~2=c~2 (1)我国古代就把直角三角形的直角边分别叫做勾和股,斜边叫做
大连水产学院王志桥和青岛海洋学院李德尚等,在1996年5—10月,对鲈、中国对虾和罗非鱼混养进行 了试验研究。他们在1.7hm~2池塘中设6个5.0×5.0×2.0m陆基围隔,研究了鲈、中