How A Dog’s 9 Babies Came To Be Called “Puppies”

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adupt
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  Hundreds of years ago many animal new born babies, such as lions and tigers and bears, were and still are called pups, kittens or cubs.
  One day a dog had babies. When a little girl saw that the dog had 9 babies, the child asked her father what she should call so many.
  The little girl said there were already so many new babies called pups, cubs, kittens or kids, like all the other animals and these were so special, so she wanted them to be called something different.
  The little girl’s father agreed and told his child that “She is special” and that was the reason why he and her mother had given her the name Sarah.
  The father then picked up one of the new little dogs and, starring into the animals’ eyes, said, “Hmmm... Dog, new, baby, pup...pup...” and just then the baby dog peed (撒尿) all over his new shirt and the father finished his sentence by saying, “Pees... Pup - pees ... PUPPIES!”
  THAT is what we will call them! “PUPPIES!”
  And the little girl laughed and laughed and laughed! When she finally was able to stop laughing so hard, she agreed the 9 new little babies could be called “Puppies”!
  1. Question: How the dog’s 9 babies came to be called “puppies”?
  2. Mixed-up Sentence Exercise
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