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提到电费回收工作,大家都有一本难念的经。然而江苏省江都市新区电管站却以“咬定青山不放松”的精神念好了这本“经”。他们坚持数年,电费回收月月结零,令同行折服。这里说说他们在电费回收工作中的二、三事。1 难事从“头”抓,内部是关键 几年来,新区电管站非常明确自己的工作目标,他们将电费回收和农电安全两大指标作为重中之重来考核。首先从站长自己管起,站长与会计电费回收考核分数占全部工作的30%,哪个片的电费回收不上来都要扣站长和总站会计的考核分。只要电管员对用户因收费停电时,站长敢于撑腰,顶住说情风,支持职工工作。其次,每个电管员分片挂钩,人人都有电费分解指标,按月进行考核,管安全的也有电费回收责任,在电费与安全工作上分工不分家。第三,他们对村电工实行电费回收奖励。规定凡完成当月电费上缴指标的,给予适当奖励,促使村电工积极主动地清收电费,相互之间还开展竞赛,不拖全乡的后腿。正是有了这样一批有高度责任感的基层收费员,才确保了电费的月月结零。 When it comes to electricity recycling, everyone has a hard time. However, in Jiangdu New District, Jiangsu Province, the power management station has read this “Jing” in the spirit of “Keeping Qingshan not relaxed”. They persisted for several years, and the electricity bills were recycled monthly and monthly to make them convinced. Here to talk about the second and third things they have done in the recovery of electricity charges. 1 Difficulties are caught from the “head” and the internals are the key In the past few years, the new district electric power management stations have been very clear about their own work goals, and they have put the two major indicators of electricity tariff recovery and rural electric safety as their priorities. First of all, from the stationmaster himself, the stationmaster and the accounting electricity fee recovery assessment score accounted for 30% of all work, and which piece of the electricity fee was not recovered must be deducted from the stationmaster and the total station accounting assessment points. As long as the power management staff has a power outage due to user charges, the headmaster dares to support himself and resists the need to speak up and supports the employees. Secondly, each electric clerk is divided and linked. Everyone has a breakdown index for electricity charges. The assessment is conducted on a monthly basis. There are also electric charge recovery responsibilities for safety management, and the division of work between electric charges and safety work does not divide the family. Third, they implement incentives for village electricians to collect electricity. It is stipulated that when the electricity payment target is fulfilled in the same month, appropriate incentives will be given to encourage village electricians to actively collect electricity fees and conduct competitions with each other, without delaying the township’s hind legs. It is with such a group of grass-roots toll collectors who have a high sense of responsibility to ensure that the monthly electricity bill is zero.
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一、完成以“六大套、七改造、一配套”为重点的生产任务,基本达到了年度经营目标,实现产值3.5亿元、销售收入3.3亿元。 1. Completed the production tasks focusing on “si