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历代重视修志、延续不绝,与地方志自身具有的“资治”“教化”“存史”等重要社会功能有关。地方志对中华文化的传承发挥了基础性作用。中华人民共和国成立后,特别是改革开放以来,地方志工作取得丰硕成果,作用日益显著。但是,也存在对地方志工作重要性认识不够、事业发展不平衡、相关法规规章落实不到位等问题。为此,要提高对地方志工作重要性的认识,坚持依法修志、依法治志,加强地方志队伍建设,推进地方志创新发展,坚持质量第一,加大宣传力度,坚持修志为用,着力解决阻碍地方志事业发展各类问题,更好地顺应时代需要,在国家崛起、民族复兴的伟大历史征程中发挥积极作用,做出应有的贡献。 Since ancient times, it has been attached great importance to the study of the history of the world, which is closely related to the important social functions such as “Zi Zhi”, “Education” and “Existence of History”. Local history has played a fundamental role in the inheritance of Chinese culture. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, the work of local history has achieved fruitful results and its role has become increasingly evident. However, there are also problems such as insufficient understanding of the importance of local history work, unbalanced career development and the lack of implementation of relevant laws and regulations. To this end, it is necessary to raise awareness of the importance of local history work, adhere to the principle of “relying on the law”, “strengthening the ranks of local history volunteers”, promoting the innovation and development of local magazines, adhering to the principle of “quality first”, increasing propaganda efforts, sticking to the principle of " We should develop various issues in our cause and better respond to the needs of the times. We should play an active role in the great historic journey of the rise of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation and make its due contribution.
目的 :探讨核素3 2 P胶体对慢性上颌窦炎的治疗作用。方法 :对 2 2例 (31侧 )慢性上颌窦炎患者先行窦腔冲洗 ,然后以3 2 P胶体窦内灌注治疗。并与行常规保守治疗的 2 0例 (31
故障现象GE Prestige Si数字胃肠机在检查过程中X线突然中断,报Error 3713:Overcurrent in rotor ctrl duing low speed acceleration tube1。故障分析与检修根据故障信息提
通过对学院2013级部分新生进行入学英语基础情况问卷调查,并对调查结果进行分析。课题组在分析调查结果的基础上,对今后的大学英语教学提出了一些有针对性的改进建议。 Thro
著名主持人张腾岳是亲友眼中的孝心代表,他对弘扬孝道文化有着自己的思考。在他看来,“孝顺,实际上是一种互动形式,它需要的是双方感情的投入。”  问:您觉得什么是“孝道”呢?  答:对于“孝”,不同的人有不同的理解,我个人认为“孝”本身是一个大的命题。古人说“首孝悌”,首先在家敬爱父母,团结兄弟姐妹。其次延伸到“老吾老,以及人之老,幼吾幼,以及人之幼”,不仅仅给予自己家的老人关爱,对其他老年人也应该同