
来源 :西安体育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:c1093682
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伴随体育的不断发展,中国体育战略经历了漫长的摸索和总结,最终取得了举办北京奥运会和金牌第一的实效。但随着时势的变迁,体育战略调整改革的呼声日趋高涨,并引发了诸多学术争论。因此,站在历史、国情、价值、利益等不同的视角重新审视中国体育战略,必须正视当前面临的体制、机制、协调发展等系列问题。从淡化官办体育色彩、充分挖掘社会办体育潜能、逐步实现体育战略重心转移、增强竞技体育自我造血功能等方面入手,采取相关措施,加快体育战略调整的步伐。 With the continuous development of sports, China’s sports strategy has experienced a long exploration and conclusion, and finally achieved the effectiveness of holding the Beijing Olympic Games and gold medal first. However, with the change of the times, the voice of the sports strategy readjustment reform is on the rise and many academic debates have been triggered. Therefore, standing on the perspective of history, national conditions, values, interests and other different perspectives to re-examine the Chinese sports strategy, we must face up to the current system, mechanism, coordinated development and other issues. From the aspects of diluting the official sports color, fully excavating the social potential of sports, gradually realizing the shift of sports strategic center of gravity and enhancing the self-hematopoietic function of competitive sports, the relevant measures should be taken to speed up the pace of sports strategic adjustment.