
来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longman1026
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国家中医药管理局科技司将组织开展中医药传统知识调查工作。调查重点针对分布在基层、民间的中医药传统知识进行抢救性调查、挖掘和整理,全面掌握中医药传统知识资源状况,为制定中医药传统知识保护名录、建立中医药传统知识保护专门制度奠定基础。本次调查在全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)范围内依托中医药行业科研专项“中医药传统知识保护技术研究”项目,采取“工作和项目结合、行政技术两线并行”的方式开展工作。国家中医药管理局中医药传统知识保护研究中心负责编制调查实施方案、技术规范等技术文件,并对骨干技术人员开展培训。支持调查工作的“中 Science and Technology Division of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine will organize traditional Chinese medicine knowledge survey. The survey focused on the salvage investigation, excavation and collation of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge distributed at the grassroots and non-governmental levels, fully grasped the status of traditional knowledge resources of traditional Chinese medicine, and laid the foundation for the formulation of a directory of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge protection and the establishment of a special system for the protection of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge . The survey relies on the Chinese medicine industry scientific research project ”traditional Chinese medicine protection of traditional Chinese medicine technology research“ within the scope of 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), and adopts the principle of ”combining work and projects and implementing administrative technology in parallel with two lines“. Way to carry out the work. State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine Protection Research Center is responsible for the preparation of the investigation of the implementation of the program, technical specifications and other technical documents, and backbone technicians to carry out training. In support of the investigation ”
绍兴古城,人杰地灵。到过浙江绍兴的人,一定会被她典雅脱俗的文化气息所感染,留下久久难忘的印象。这里曾诞生了数位在中国历史上闻名遐迩的文化名人、英雄豪杰。 到过绍兴
所谓精兵简政,就是紧缩机构,精简人员。  在我国几千年历史中,有不少明主贤臣和有识之士都认为精兵简政是治国安民的良策,而且实行后都取得显著成效。  公元25年,西汉远支皇族刘秀推翻了新莽政权,取得了农民战争的胜利果实,建立起以洛阳为政治中心的东汉王朝,是为光武帝。由于连年战争和灾患,百姓虚耗,生产凋敝,天下户口减半,大片土地荒芜。建武六年(公元30年)6月,光武帝下诏:“夫张官置吏,所以为民也。今