在陕北黄土高原上,有一位默默无闻的实干家,锲而不舍的创业人,公而忘私的奉献者,他凭着崇高的使命感和责任感,以超常的毅力和韧劲,谱写了一首奋斗者之歌。他就是榆林市就业训练中心主任张怀连。 1989年,张怀连在无资金、无设备、无场地、无教练的情况下,带领职工赤手空拳创办就业训练中心。搞培训没钱,他便和职工穿梭于领导、同学、朋友面前求支持。培训没场地,他相信脚底下功夫,终于落实了3万多平方米的场地。培训没教练、教师,他软磨硬缠从其它单位“挖”来8名专职教练和20名教师。为节约经费,他带着职工到废品回收站拆拣
On the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi, there is an unknown practitioner, perseverance entrepreneur, public and dedication devotee. With his lofty mission and sense of responsibility, he wrote a striver with extraordinary perseverance and tenacity song of. He is Zhang Huailing, Director of Yulin Employment Training Center. In 1989, Zhang Huailian led a group of workers to set up employment training centers without money, without equipment, without venues and without coaching. Engage in training without money, he and staff shuttling in front of leaders, classmates, friends and seek support. No training venue, he believes his foot work, finally implemented more than 30,000 square meters of space. Training no coach, teacher, he softly wrapped around the other units “dig ” to eight full-time coaches and 20 teachers. To save money, he took his staff to the waste recycling station demolition