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21世纪初,既是我国经济快速、健康发展的重要时期,也是我国高等教育快速、健康发展的关键时期,高等学校必须与时俱进、更新观念、创新制度、深化改革、努力提高人才培养质量,这不仅是新时期经济社会发展的客观要求,更是高等学校改革与发展的必然选择。无机非金属材料专业是在大量的科学实验和工程实践中发展起来的,其学科特点决定了该学科的学习必须经过大量的实验和实践才能完成。仅就本科教育的教学模式来看,其特点与问题较为明显。长期以来,高校重理论知识,轻动手能力、实践能力和综合能力的办学模式使人才培养的诸多弊端显现出来,学校培养的学生社会工作能力不强,所学知识跟不上时代步伐,社会适应能力及就业竞争力欠缺,忽视了社会的需求和个性的发展,出现了学校所学知识与社会所用知识脱节等情况,导致了许多学校的毕业生找不到工作,而许多企业招不到合适的人才的不良现象。为解决现存问题,将校企联合培养引入教学具有重要意义。把教学活动植入校企联合培养,构建起基于校企联合培养模式的地方高校无机非金属材料专业本科教育的全新人才培养模式。 The beginning of the 21st century is not only an important period for rapid and healthy economic development in our country, but also a crucial period for the rapid and healthy development of Chinese higher education. Colleges and universities must keep pace with the times, update concepts, innovate systems, deepen reforms, strive to improve the quality of personnel training, This is not only the objective requirement of economic and social development in the new era, but also the inevitable choice for the reform and development of higher education institutions. Inorganic non-metallic materials professional is developed in a large number of scientific experiments and engineering practice, and its disciplinary characteristics determine that the study of the discipline must be completed after a large number of experiments and practices. Only the teaching mode of undergraduate education, its characteristics and problems are more obvious. For a long time, colleges and universities have made a lot of problems of personnel training by running schools with theoretical knowledge, light hands-on ability, practical ability and comprehensive ability. The school-building students’ ability of social work is not strong, their knowledge can not keep up with the pace of the times, social adaptation Lack of competence and competitiveness of employment, ignoring the development of social needs and personalities, resulting in the disjunction between the school-learned knowledge and the knowledge used by society, resulting in many school graduates unable to find jobs and many enterprises unable to recruit suitable Talents of the bad phenomenon. In order to solve the existing problems, it is of great significance to introduce the school-enterprise co-cultivation into teaching. The teaching activities are implanted in school-enterprise joint training to build a new mode of university-based inorganic non-metallic materials undergraduate education based on the mode of school-enterprise joint training.
目的 探讨胃癌患者围手术期的健康教育[1].方法 对150例胃癌患者进行入院时、术前指导,术后健康宣教,出院指导等围手术期健康宣教,结果本组150例胃癌患者无护理并发症发生.结
近年来,随着各医学科学领域的飞速发展,人们对血液的认识也更全面、深刻,输血技术在临床医疗活动中的作用也得到持续不断的发展.可是,由于输血的发展历史总体并不长 [1],人们
目的 探讨超声在异位妊娠诊断中的价值.方法 对115例异位妊娠患者进行超声检查,必要时定期复查.结果 110例患者经手术证实,5例患者保守治疗成功.结论 超声对异位妊娠的诊断准确率较高,但对于病史及临床症状不典型者,可结合临床检查,避免漏诊、误诊。
【摘 要】目的:探讨骨科护理临床带教的新思路,提高骨科护理临床带教水平。方法:总结新形势下骨科护理临床带教的影响因素及制定相应的对策。结果与结论:使护生在骨科实习期间,掌握了相关专科护理技能及知识,培养了护生优良的作风和职业道德,使骨科临床带教质量得到了明显提高。  【关键词】骨科;护理;临床带教;问题;对策  临床实习是实现知识向能力转化的过程,是护理教育的重要组成部分,是从理论到实践的过渡,临
随着计算机网络技术的快速发展,传统的图书馆服务模式面临很大冲击。本文就高职院校图书馆管理创新模式进行了探讨,提出了管理模式创新的方法。 With the rapid development