
来源 :中国现代文学研究丛刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:renminjie
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在20世纪中国易卜生的传播史上,鲁迅最早发现了易卜生。他将易卜生放在强调人的主观意志的哲学家、思想家的谱系中,他感动于易卜生戏剧中“个人”面对大众,面对陈规陋习,在习以为常的现实生活中为求得个人解放而展开的心灵争战。他继续易卜生的思考,像易卜生一样在文学领域里解剖人心,扫荡精神遮蔽和拦阻,探索通往自由的道路。胡适则通过《新青年》杂志最早最全面介绍传播了易卜生的思想和现代戏剧的形式。他看到的是社会改革家易卜生。他希望通过输入易卜生思想,借助其戏剧对外部社会的批判,帮助国人认识并批判社会的黑暗,从而为以个人主义为基础的民主制度建设一个基础。 In the history of the communication of Ibsen in China in the 20th century, Lu Xun first discovered Ibsen. He placed Ibsen in the pedigree of philosophers and thinkers who emphasized the subjective will of man. He moved in the Ibsen drama to “face up to the masses” in the face of stereotypes and in his usual real life Emancipate the mind and strive for personal liberation. He continued Ibsen’s reflections, dissecting the human mind in the field of literature, as Ibsen did, obstructing and blocking mopping up and exploring the path to freedom. Hu Shih passed the earliest and most comprehensive introduction of Ibsen’s thought and modern drama through New Youth magazine. He saw the social reformer Ibsen. He hoped that by inputting Ibsen’s thoughts and using the criticism of his plays to the outside world, he hopes to help people understand and criticize the darkness of society and thus lay a foundation for the construction of the democratic system based on individualism.
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