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11岁的赛尼,双腿无法正常行走。三个月前,他被查出患了白血病。这天,赛尼和父亲路过公园,看见一帮男孩正在进行棒球赛。赛尼问父亲:“爸爸,我能参加比赛吗?”父亲心里明白,赛场上的男孩肯定不想让赛尼这样的残疾人参加比赛,但作为一个父亲,他希望儿子能够站到赛场上,感受到被需要的归属感和被他人接纳的自信。赛尼的父亲向一个男孩走去,问能不能让赛尼也参加比赛。男孩看了看他的队长, 11-year-old Xeni, legs can not walk normally. He was diagnosed with leukemia three months ago. On this day, Xeni and her father passed the park and saw a group of boys playing baseball. Sanetti asked her father: “” Dad, can I participate in the competition? “” My father understood that the boys on the pitch certainly did not want to handicapped Cygnet such a disabled person, but as a father, he hoped his son could stand on the court Feel the sense of belonging that is needed and the confidence that others have accepted. Xeni’s father walked to a boy and asked if he could bring Seni to the competition. The boy looked at his captain,
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My uncle is a college teacher.He teaches law.He is very kind and humorous.Every time he comes to my home,he brings me some candies and beautiful gifts.I love to
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