
来源 :上海免疫学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mustang2001
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本文分析了58例研究组(原发性干燥综合征组,以下简称为P.S.S组)及40例对照组(其它结缔组织病组)的32个临床检查项目的资料,其检查结果的变量值均经用四格表的统计学方法处理,求得每一个检查项目对于诊断P.S.S的准确率。统计结果显示32个临床检查项目中症状组部份有四项即口腔干燥感、眼睛干燥感、吃干硬食物时吞噬不畅感、情绪激动(如哭泣)打呵欠或接触刺激性气体时无或少泪,体征组部份有二项即口腔干燥的有关体征和眼睛干燥的有关体征,眼科特殊检查组部份有三项即Schirmer试验阳性、荧光素角膜染色试验阳性和虎红液结膜染色试验阳性以及下唇小唾液腺病理阳性结果和抗SS-B测定阳性等11个项目其对诊断P.S.S的准确率均>80%,都可以作为对P.S.S临床诊断的依据项目。从实用及使用方便的角度出发,作者提出凡患者症状组部份四项中符合三项、体征组部份二项中符合一项、眼科特殊检查组部份三项中符合二项即可以作为P.S.S的临床诊断标准。 In this paper, the data of 32 clinical examination items in 58 study groups (Sjogren’s syndrome group, hereinafter referred to as PSS group) and 40 control group (other connective tissue disease group) were analyzed. The values ​​of the test results were After using four tables of statistical methods to deal with each test items obtained for the accuracy of the diagnosis of PSS. Statistics show that 32 of the clinical examination items in the symptom group has four items, namely dryness of the mouth, dry eyes, eating dry and hard food, swallowing sluggishness, emotional (such as crying) yawn or exposure to irritating gases Or less tears, the signs of the group there are two items that the relevant signs of dry mouth and dry eye-related signs, ophthalmic special inspection group of three that Schirmer test positive, positive fluorescein staining and red tiger conjunctiva staining test Positive and lower salivary small salivary gland pathology positive results and anti-SS-B test positive 11 items on the accuracy of the diagnosis of PSS were> 80%, can be used as a basis for the clinical diagnosis of PSS project. From the practical and easy-to-use point of view, the authors propose that where there are three items in each of the four symptom groups of patients, one of the two items in the sign group meets one of the three items of the special inspection group of the ophthalmology, PSS clinical diagnostic criteria.
我院1978~1985年对沈阳地区空气中的植物花粉进行了调查,并为过敏性鼻炎和哮喘患者做花粉抗原的皮肤试验,以期判定致敏花粉,现报告如下。材料与方法(一)调查地点 1978、1983
通过标准利用率的提高,促进全局标准化工作不断上台阶,从而推动我局产品质量、工作质量上等级。 Through the improvement of standard utilization rate, the promotion of g