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为了落实伟大领袖和导师毛主席“绿化祖国”,“实行大地园林化”的伟大指示,我场从一九七二年以来,认真贯彻以营林为基础的方针,狠抓育苗工作,在油松育苗上摸索了一些经验。一、育苗地的选择:要选择地势较平坦、灌溉方便的地方作育苗地。土壤以疏松肥沃的砂质壤土最好,大白土也可以,红粘土、盐碱地、低湿地、石头窝、地下虫害较多的地不适宜育苗。二、整地:整地是确保苗全、苗壮、消灭杂草和地下害虫的重要措施。一般应在头一年秋季整地,深翻30厘米以上,拣净右块和草根,打碎土块并耙平,苗圃地如有高低不平时,可依势作成梯田,不要强行整平,避免翻出生土,影响苗木生长。育油松苗以床式为好,可 In order to implement the great instructions of “greening the motherland” and “implementing the earth garden” by great leaders and teachers, Chairman Mao has conscientiously implemented the principle of camp-based forestry since 1972, paid close attention to nurturing seedlings, Pine seedling to explore some of the experience. First, the choice of nursery: to choose a more flat terrain, irrigation convenient place for nursery. The soil is loose and fertile sandy loam is the best, large white clay can also, red clay, saline, low wetlands, stone nest, underground insect more land unsuitable breeding. Second, soil preparation: Site preparation is to ensure that the whole Miao, Zhuang Zhuang, eliminate weeds and underground pests important measures. Generally should fall in the first year of preparation for the fall, deep plowing more than 30 cm, picking the right block and grass roots, broken soil block and rake flat, nursery to rugged, terraces can be made according to potential, do not force leveling, to avoid Turn born soil, affecting seedling growth. Seedling pine seedlings to the bed as well, can
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王牌“美女双料间谍”:玛塔·哈丽  1876年玛塔·哈莉生于荷兰。她名为“七层面纱”的舞蹈在巴黎曾轰动一时,崇拜者一掷数千法郎以求一夜之欢。但她的间谍生涯比她的舞蹈更成功,由于她,法国在一战中多损失了数十万人。1917年10月11日,她被指控为周旋于法德两国之间的双料间谍。战后,法国以“叛国罪”的名义将其处死。    最美苏联女间谍:玛加丽达·科涅库娃  二战期间,科涅库娃为了获得美国原子弹的秘密
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