认真总结学会经验 积极开展研讨活动

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中国物资经济学会秘书处于9月9日至11日,在山西大同召开了各省市自治区、计划单列市、国务院有关部门物资经济学会(研究会)秘书长和《中国物资流通》通讯员组长会议。会议贯彻党的十三届四中全会和中央《关于加强宣传、思想工作的通知》的精神,重点研究了如何深入总结学会十年工作和继续抓紧开展物资经济理论研究问题。中国物资经济学会1980年3月成立,近十年来,在各级物资部门和社科联关心指导下,依靠广大物资工作和教学、科研工作者,各项工作都取得很大进展。全国已发展了四十多个团体会员单位。学会是改革中出现的新事物,如何做好学会工作是一个不断探索,不断提高的过程。会议决定要按照小平同志指示的,要冷静地思考过去,也冷静地思考未来的精神,对十年学会工作,实事求是地进行总结,肯定成绩和经验,明确问题和不足,研究提出改进意见,以便今后在社会 The Secretariat of China Society for Materials Economics held a meeting of the chiefs of the Materials Economics Society of China (provinces), cities directly under the Central Government, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in the State Council, and the head of the “China’s Materials Circulation” Correspondents from September 9 to September 11 in Datong, Shanxi. The conference implemented the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee and the Central Committee’s “Notice on Strengthening Publicity and Ideological Work”, and focused on how to conduct an in-depth summary of the ten-year work of the Institute and continue to pay close attention to carrying out research on the economic theory of materials. The Chinese Society of Materials Economics was established in March 1980 and over the past decade, great progress has been made in all fields of work under the guidance of the material departments and the Census Institute of Social Sciences under the guidance of the masses and by the vast numbers of materials and teaching and research workers. The country has developed more than 40 group member units. Learning is a new thing emerging in the reform. How to do a good job in learning how to do it is a process of continuous exploration and continuous improvement. The meeting decided that according to Comrade Xiaoping’s instructions, it is necessary to calmly think about the past and calmly think about the future. We should make a summary of past ten years of study and work out facts and affirmations of achievements and experiences, clarify problems and shortcomings, and study and propose improvements so that In the future in society
摘要检察机关开展对行政诉讼活动的法律监督是检察权的重要组成部分。但现实中存在不少亟待解决的问题,有必要在现有监督制度的基础上,对我国检察机关行政诉讼法律监督权进行切实的改进和完善,使行政诉讼监督覆盖行政诉讼的全过程,以真正实现司法公正之目的。  关键词行政诉讼检察监督程序性监督诉前监督  中图分类号:D926.3文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-0592(2009)01-172-01    “人民
Last Saturday I went swimming with my classmates.I felt the water was cold.On Sunday morning I didn’t feel well.i had a headache and a high fever.My father too