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推开古朴的木篱笆,沿着蜿蜒曲折的青石板路通向花园的深处,一个充满现代气息的私家游泳池映入眼帘;花园中央,茂密的香樟树下,一块别致的烧烤台区域让人有了开 PARTY 的冲动;另一角,顺流而下的小溪清澈见底,临水而坐听着潺潺水声看看书、聊聊天,真是有如神仙般惬意……拥有这样一个恍如桃源的私家庭院,恐怕是人们心中共同的梦想。而在杭州如雨后春笋般涌现的别墅楼盘,让这个梦想有了实现的可能。在绿城·桃花源、南都·林语别墅、金都·富春山居等一些已经交付的著名别墅楼盘里,私家花园的面积从几十到几百平方米不等,甚至还出现了拥有上千平方米庭院的豪宅,让业主足不出户,就能享受到以往只能在电影里看到的惬意生活。不过,大部分开发商都会把精力主要放在楼盘整体景观的设计施工上,不可能为每个别墅花园精雕细琢,一般只给花园铺上草坪,围上绿篱,花园的设计大同小异,更不要说融入业主的个性,让其充满生机和艺术气息了。所以说,即使是买了别墅也不一定能享受到真正的别墅生活,找一个真正懂行的景观设计专家,为你打造一个真正个性化的庭院,是至关重要的。 Push aside the quaint wooden fence and walk along the winding quartzite road to the depths of the garden. A modern private swimming pool comes into view; in the middle of the garden, under a dense fragrant ash tree, a chic barbecue area allows People have the urge to open PARTY; in the other corner, the stream that runs down the river is crystal clear, sitting on the water and listening to the sound of squeaking water to read books and chat. It’s like being immortal. The private courtyard is probably the common dream of people. In Hangzhou, springing up villa real estate, so that this dream has been possible. In some of the well-known villas that have already been delivered, such as Greentown, Taohuayuan, Nandu·Linyu Villa, and Jindu·Fuchun Mountain Residence, the private garden has an area ranging from tens to hundreds of square meters, and even boasts thousands of square meters. The luxury mansion in the courtyard of the Mi, so that the owners can stay at home, you can enjoy the comfortable life that you can only see in movies. However, most developers will focus their efforts on the design and construction of the entire landscape of the real estate. It is impossible to meticulously craft every villa garden. Generally, only the garden is covered with a lawn, the hedge is enclosed, and the design of the garden is much the same. Don’t say that the personality of the owner has been integrated into it, so that it is full of vitality and artistic atmosphere. So, even if you buy a villa, you won’t necessarily be able to enjoy a real villa life. Finding a truly knowledgeable landscape design expert is crucial to creating a truly personalized courtyard.
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