【摘 要】
By Evelyn Amuedo Wade What do you think Is under the ground? Where the ants all go With the food they've fouNd? Do they have a tiny Set of stairs That leads to a room With tables and chairs?
By Evelyn Amuedo Wade
What do you think
Is under the ground?
Where the ants all go
With the food they've fouNd?
Do they have a tiny
Set of stairs
That leads to a room
With tables and chairs?
(伊洛 供稿)
《冰雪奇缘1》讲述了阿伦黛尔王国的公主艾莎(Elsa)因为拥有难以控制的强大魔力不得不选择远离家园,后来在妹妹安娜(Anna)的鼓舞和帮助下,Elsa终于接受自己,当上了女王。在《冰雪奇缘2》中,Elsa听到一个神秘声音的呼唤,仿佛是在引导她去,寻找自己为何拥有冰雪魔法的真相…… 剧情简介 为什么天生拥有神奇魔法?Elsa踏上了寻找答案的冒险征程,与Anna、克斯托夫(Kristoff)、雪宝
The more we get together, The happier we ' ll be. For your friends are my friends, And my friends are your friends. The more we get together, The happier we ' ll be. (可樂供稿) (本栏目插图:张宇佳)
一个暖暖的午后,小兔子突发奇想,对妈妈说:“我要跑走啦!”小兔子可不是真的要跑走哦,她是想知道妈妈究竟有多么爱自己呢。怎么办?兔妈妈可有办法了,她说:“如果你跑走了,我就去追你,因为你是我的小宝贝呀。” 就这样,一场爱的捉迷藏就此展开,不管小兔子是变成一条鱼儿躲进小河里,还是变作一朵花绽放在花园里,妈妈总是能够“火眼金睛”认出他、抓到他。最后又会怎样呢?在这本倍受世界赞誉的绘本中,作家用温暖的语
Egg in the nest, Chick in the egg. Egg gets a crack, Here comes a leg. Little beak taps, Pick, pick, pick. Egg breaks open, Out comes a chick!
My mum is a chef in my family. She likes making food. My mum often wears her apron in the kitchen. Sometimes, she cooks fruit salad for me. Sometimes, she makes sandwiches for me. They are c
一个暖暖的午后,小兔子突发奇想,对妈妈说:“我要跑走啦!”小兔子可不是真的要跑走哦,她是想知道妈妈究竟有多么爱自己呢。怎么办?兔妈妈可有办法了,她说:“如果你跑走了,我就去追你,因为你是我的小宝贝呀。” 就这样,一场爱的捉迷藏就此展开,不管小兔子是变成一条鱼儿躲进小河里,还是变作一朵花绽放在花园里,妈妈总是能够“火眼金睛”认出他、抓到他。最后又会怎样呢?在这本倍受世界赞誉的绘本中,作家用温暖的语
This is my mother. She is tall and beautiful. My mother is a smart kindergarten teacher. She likes her job and her students. She has many hobbies,such as painting, singing and reading. She also c
剧情简介 雷克斯( Rex)是一只生活在白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)的小柯基犬(corgi)o伊丽莎白女王(Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth)非常宠爱他,任命他为皇家首席狗狗(Top Dog)o因为一次意外,Rex流落伦敦(London)街头,误入流浪狗中心,不得不和一群流浪狗一起生活。最终,雷克斯成长为一只真正的Top Dog. 主要角色 I'm R