今秋使用的初中语文第五册,是在原来的试用课本的基础上修订而成的。这次修订共选入八篇新课文,现把这八篇课文分别简介如下: 《花儿为什么这样红》介绍了花朵呈现红色的科学知识,说明花朵的红色是由于它自身的各种条件和需要,以及自然、人工等因素对它作用的结果。全文可分为三部分。 第一部分(第一自然段),赞美红花的鲜艳美丽、热情奔放,并提出花儿为什么这样红的问题。 第二部分(第二至第十自然段),说明花朵呈现
The fifth volume of the junior high school language used in this fall was revised based on the original trial textbook. In this revision, a total of eight new texts were selected. These eight texts are now briefly described as follows: Why Flowers Are Red, explains the red scientific knowledge of flowers, and shows that the redness of flowers is due to its own conditions and Needs, as well as the results of natural, artificial and other factors on it. The full text can be divided into three parts. The first part (the first paragraph) praises the vivid and beautiful red flowers and their enthusiasm, and asks why the flowers are so red. The second part (second to tenth paragraphs) explains the presence of flowers