
来源 :感光材料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iceqi77
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国产感光材料,无论是在价格上还是在质量上,都能为一般摄影者所接受,但在使用中,总感到有诸多不便,不适应业余摄影爱好者的需要。这种不适应主要表现在以下几方面: 第一,包装量过大。如黑白相纸,现在市面出售的不论是哪个厂家生产的还是不同规格的,一律是同一反差级号的一百张装。感光材料涨价后,一盒12英寸的相纸需六七十元,如需买1至4号相纸,就得一次性投资近三百元,这对一般业余摄影爱好者来说,投资显然是大了。况且,一般业余摄影爱好者洗相数量有限,这么多相纸不可能在短时间内用完,超过有效期质量必定下降,势必造成浪费。如果生产厂家能从业余摄影爱好者的需要出发,改成一盒内分装1至4号相纸各25张,就能使广大的业余摄影爱好者投资小而又拥有不同反差的相纸,以适应不同摄影题材的需要。胶卷的生产亦然。36张装的居多,至于24张装、12张装的则很少 Domestic photosensitive materials, both in price and quality, can be accepted by the general photographer, but in use, always feel a lot of inconvenience, do not meet the needs of amateur photographers. This does not meet the main performance in the following areas: First, the packaging volume is too large. Such as black and white photo paper, now sold in the market, no matter which manufacturer produces or different specifications, all the same contrast grade number of 100 loaded. Photographic material prices, a box of 12-inch photo paper to be sixty or seventy yuan, if you need to buy 1-4 photographic paper, you have to invest nearly three hundred dollars, which for the average amateur photographers, the investment Obviously big. Moreover, the general amateur photographers a limited number of washing phase, so many photo paper can not be used in a short period of time, beyond the validity of the quality will certainly decline, is bound to cause waste. If the manufacturer can start from the needs of amateur photographers, into a box of 1 to 4 out of 25 photographic paper, you can make the majority of amateur photographers to invest in small and have different contrast of the photographic paper, To adapt to the needs of different photography themes. Film production is also true. Most of the 36 loaded, as 24 loaded, 12 loaded less
Some recent publications presented a result suggesting that Zipingpu reservoir hastened the occurrence of the 2008 MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake by tens to hundreds
化脓性胆管炎的临床和实验研究虽多,但到目前为止尚无十分满意的动物模型。为此本文对以往的方法进行了改进,效果较理想,现简介如下。 1 材料及方法成年Wistar大鼠,体重250~3
一、是非题: 1.+;2.-;3.-;4.+;5.+;6.+;7.+;8.+; 9.-:10.+;11.-;12.+;13.-;14.-;15.-。二、填充题: 1.上海市南汇新华制冷设备厂,上海市南汇六灶镇南,前列牌;2.不锈钢、喷塑
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