A Denial of Service Attack Against IoT System

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  摘 要:Internet of Things is widely accepted and used in the modern days, however, it is not secure for the users because of the cyber-attack. Denial of Service attack can have impact on the data access and information transmission. This paper designed experiments to test the influence of Denial of Service attack on an IoT system.
  關键词:Internet of Things (IoT); Denial of Service (DoS) attack; SYN Flooding Attack; TCP Connect Flooding Attack
  Internet of Things (IoT) was initially mentioned in 1999 [1] and becomes common that there will be 20.8 billions devics on IoT by 2020[2]. As IoT gets pervasive, it is more vulnerable to become the attacking target. Denial of Service (DoS) attack is one of the cyber-attack methods [3]. In a Dos attack, attackers prevent users accessing information or service by utilizing different methods [4].
  In this paper, DoS attack will be supported in the wireless sensor network system based on NRF and Wi-Fi communication. The DoS attack will be implemented on the gateway by SYN flooding attack and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connect flood.
  PC, Router, Raspberry Pi, Gateway (Arduino), Sensor (Arduino): Detect voltage and other data
  B.The platform for the DoS attack on gateway
  This platform is for the DoS attack which against Arduino Nrf gateway. The Arduino gateway cannot send messages to the Raspberry Pi and the attacker is a Raspberry Pi.
  A.SYN Flooding Attack
  SYN flooding attack is launched with the assistance of hping3 command on Raspberry Pi. Hping3 provides two kinds of instructions for source IP spoofing which are “--rand-source” and “--spoof”.
  1)Spoofed Source IP Address
  150 packets were sent from PC to the gateway via the ping method for the purpose of testing the communication between them. The packet loss rates are a downward trend as speed slows down. The same pattern can be seen at the average and maximum response time, whereas the time declines progressively.
  2)Random Source IP Address
  In this experiment, the attacks with different sizes ranging from 6 to 600000 bytes were launched. 150 packets were sent, and the size of packet sent might be irrelevant to SYN flood attack effects according to the ping results since all packet loss rates fluctuate slightly and the response time varies irregularly.
  B.TCP Connect Flooding Attack   This experiment demonstrates the opinion that the bigger rate is, the stronger TCP connect flooding attack is. Additionally, the maximum duration for web page refresh suspension increases. Another view is that TCP connect flooding attack might ultimately lead to continuous gateway network congestion if the attacker persists in attacking the victim in a period of time.
  150 packets by ping command were sent during each type of attack. Based on the package loss rate and web server condition, it appears that SYN flooding attack has far better effect than TCP Connect flooding attack.
  This paper applied SYN flooding attack and TCP connect flooding attack. Both methods enable to cause gateway resource exhaustion and data loss and both of these two attacks have significant impact on resource access regarding sending speeds.
  This work has been supported by the XJTLU research development fund projects RDF140243 and RDF150246, as well as by the Suzhou Science and Technology Development Plan under grant SYG201516, and Jiangsu Province National Science Foundation under grant BK20150376.
  [1]K. Ashton, (2009). That ’Internet of Things’ thing. RFID Journal, 22 July. [Internet] Avail- able at: http://www.rfidjournal.com/article/view/4986 [Accessed 18 August 2011]. ?
  [2]S. Conn, (2015, Nov.10)"Gartner Says 6.4 Billion Connected "Things" Will Be in Use in 2016, Up 30 Percent From 2015". [Online]. Available: http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/3165317
  [3]Wikipedia, (2017, Aug.14) Denial-of-service attack [Online]. Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack
  [4]M. McDowell, (2009, Nov.4) Understanding Denial-of-Service Attacks [Online]. Available: https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/tips/ST04-015
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