
来源 :浙江农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tonyyang
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紫云英播种和萌发的最适温度为20℃左右,我省9月下旬至10月上旬是紫云英稻田套种的最适播期。此时,种子吸胀快、萌发早、出苗整齐、幼苗茁壮、产量高。早播种子很少吸胀萌动,但也很少霉烂,待到最适播期时才渐吸胀,发芽趋于正常。为了弄清原因,寻求有效措施,我们从1981年起选用浙紫5号和省外地方良种为试验材料,作各 The optimum temperature for sowing and germination is about 20 ℃. From late September to early October, it is the most suitable sowing date for the sown rice variety. At this point, the seeds swelled fast, early germination, emergence neat, seedling robust, high yield. Early sowing seeds rarely inflorescence sprout, but also rarely mildew, until the most suitable sowing time gradually swell, germination tends to be normal. In order to find out the reasons for seeking effective measures, we have used Zhejiang Purple 5 and local varieties of seeds as test materials since 1981,
短期来看,电子商务在各城市谋求产业升级中扮演重要角色。长期来看,终将唤醒中国很多城市潜伏多年的产业能量,催生出一种以“诚信、透明、共享”为机制的城市新商业文明。 I
The newly passed 2008 marked the 7th anniversary of China’s entry into the WTO.Embracing the change we prepared and ma- tured to the challenge of becoming WTO