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履带板是履带式拖拉机主要易损件之一,服役条件极其恶劣,常年在砂石与泥土中工作。其受力情况十分复杂,既承受拖拉机自重,又担负工作中来自各方面的外力。这是履带板磨损、变形、断裂,直至报废的主要原因。因此,要求履带板筋部应有高硬度,以增加其耐磨性;板体应具有足够的强韧性,以提高其抗变形,抗断裂的能力。目前,国内履带板的材料是41Mn2Si,多数用整体加热、中温回火工艺,劳动强度大,生产效率低,且耐磨性差,使用寿命短。 Track shoes are one of the main wearing parts of track-type tractors. Their service conditions are extremely harsh and they work in gravel and mud all year round. Its stress situation is very complex. It not only bears the weight of the tractor itself, but also carries external forces from all aspects of the work. This is the main reason for the wear, deformation, and fracture of the track shoe until it is scrapped. Therefore, it is required that the track plate ribs should have high hardness in order to increase its wear resistance; the plate body should have enough strength and toughness to improve its resistance to deformation and fracture resistance. At present, the domestic track shoe material is 41Mn2Si, most of which use the overall heating, medium temperature tempering process, labor intensity, low production efficiency, and poor wear resistance, short service life.
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