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  Open Your Eyes, Open Your Mind
  The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
  我们常说“we are what we eat”,但又何尝不是“we are what we see”呢?无论是因为具体意义上的大脑、眼部和生理差异,还是受到抽象层面上的性格、视角和思维方式影响,一千个人眼中就有一千片树叶,以及一千个哈姆雷特。要做到put yourself in others’ shoes,首先尝试see the world through others’ eyes吧——春暖花开,雷声轰隆,秋高气爽,滴水成冰,你所看见的、理所当然的一切,很可能正是他人眼中的无价之宝呢!
  The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.
  —John Scully
  If you can see it, you can have it.
  —Kong Hee
  The man doesn’t make the vision; the vision makes the man.
  —Pastor Yonggi Cho
  I would give all the wealth of the world, and all the deeds of all the heroes, for one true vision.
  —Henry David Thoreau
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Endings That Set Us Free  1当告别的时刻来临,可能是不得不离开的痛苦,也可能是往事不堪回首的羞愧,我们总是迫不及待想要翻过这一页,急不可耐地专注于下一个新篇章。这一次,让我们稍稍放慢脚步……  Gene Purcell (Host): My experience has been that most people do kind of focus on those new
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