
来源 :喷灌技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yongqiangdd
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1979年以来,国民经济处于调整时期,国家不可能拿出很多的资金投入喷灌建设,如何使少量的喷灌建设投资发挥较大的效益,是一个非常重要和值得探讨的课题。从80年开始,我们带着这个问题在新津县进行了喷灌建设的试点工作,这个县成立喷灌工程公司按经济规律办事的作法为解决这个问题提供了经验. 新津县喷灌工程公司成立于1980年8月17日,当前属于事业单位企业管理性质。由县水电局一名副局长兼任经理,在水电局现有职工中抽调专职干部8人分别担任副经理,技术人员、会计、出纳、保管等职务,近一年时间,公司按自然规律和经济规律办事,采取了一系列改革措施,讲求实效地促进了喷灌建设的健康发展,取得了可喜的成绩:超额完成了任务,促进了农业生产,省1980年下达给公司的喷灌经费为12.5万元,要求新增机喷面积5000亩,实际新增面积为8938.2亩,新发展机喷的生产队,今年小麦亩产一般比去年增产30%;在减轻社队负担的前提下,通过趸买零售、经销、代销、配套设备和承包工程,截至今年2月的统计,已获得利润7129元,用4074元修了一间喷灌设备经营门市部;打破县界向全省11个县的社队和单位销售了机喷成套设套和零配件。结合新津县喷灌工程公司的经验,现就如何使少量的喷灌建设投资发挥较大效益的问题提出如下看法: Since 1979, when the national economy was in a period of adjustment, it was impossible for the state to put a lot of money into the construction of sprinkler irrigation. How to make a small amount of investment in irrigation and irrigation construction play a greater role is a very important and worthy issue to be explored. From the 80s onwards, we took this issue and conducted trials of sprinkler irrigation in Xinjin County. The establishment of the county’s sprinkler irrigation company to follow the economic laws provided an experience to solve this problem. Xinjin County Sprinkling Engineering Company was established in 1980. August 17th, currently belongs to the business management of public institutions. A deputy director of the County Water and Electricity Bureau is also the manager. Among the existing employees of the Water and Electricity Bureau, 8 are full-time cadres who are deputy managers, technicians, accountants, cashiers, and custodial staff. In the past year, the company follows natural laws and economy. Acting in accordance with the law and adopting a series of reform measures, it has effectively promoted the healthy development of sprinkler irrigation and achieved gratifying results: overfulfilled the tasks and promoted agricultural production. The provincial government issued a spray irrigation fund of RMB 125,000 to the company in 1980. Requires an additional 5,000 acres of machine-ejection area, the actual added area of ​​8938.2 acres, the newly developed production team spray, this year’s wheat production is generally 30% higher than last year, under the premise of reducing the burden of the social team, through the purchase of retail , Distribution, sales agency, supporting equipment and contracting projects, as of February of this year’s statistics, has made profits of 7129 yuan, with a 4074 yuan repair a sprinkler equipment sales outlets; to break the county boundaries to the province’s 11 counties of the social groups and units Sales of machine spray sets and spare parts. Combining the experience of Xinjin County Sprinkling Irrigation Engineering Company, we now put forward the following views on how to make a small amount of irrigation and irrigation investment more effective:
【日本《原子力产业新闻》1980年2月20日报道】日本制订了一项年内完成福井县大饭町的核电站事故紧急广播网的计划。计划要求在大饭町内的7,000户居民中,设置 [Japan’s “
美国《核子周刊》1980年2月14日刊登了卡特总统于2月12日向国会提交的关于核废物管理政策的声明全文,现摘译如下: 30多来,我国的国防计划、商业性核动力计划以及各种医学、