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高温作业是指在高气温或高温高湿或强热辐射条件下进行的作业,通常分为三种类型。(1)高温、热辐射作业这些生产场所的气象特点是气温高、热辐射强度大,而相对湿度较低,形成干热环境。如冶金工业的炼焦、炼铁、轧钢等车间;机械制造工业的铸造、锻造、热处理等车间;搪瓷、玻璃、砖瓦等工业的窑炉车间;火力发电厂和锅炉房等。2)高温、高湿作业场所的主要特点是气温、湿度高,而辐射强度不大。主要是由于生产过程中产生大量水蒸汽或生产上要求车间内保持较高的相对湿度所致。如印染、巢丝、造纸等工业中液体加热或蒸煮时,车间气温可达35℃以上,相对湿度常高达90%以上。潮湿的矿井内气温可达30℃以上,相对湿度达95%以上,如通风不良就会形成高温、高湿和低气流的气象条件,即湿热环境。 High-temperature operation refers to the operation of high temperature or high temperature and high humidity or heat radiation conditions, usually divided into three types. (1) High-temperature and thermal radiation operation The meteorological features of these production sites are high temperature, large heat radiation intensity and low relative humidity, forming a dry and hot environment. Such as the metallurgical industry coking, ironmaking, rolling and other workshops; machinery manufacturing industry casting, forging, heat treatment and other workshops; enamel, glass, brick and other industrial kilns workshop; thermal power plants and boiler rooms. 2) High temperature, high humidity The main characteristics of the workplace is the temperature, humidity, and radiation intensity is not. Mainly due to the production process produces a lot of water vapor or production requirements workshop to maintain a high relative humidity. Such as printing and dyeing, nest silk, paper and other industrial liquid heating or cooking, the workshop temperature up to 35 ℃ above, often up to 90% relative humidity. Humid mine temperature up to 30 ℃ above, the relative humidity of 95% or more, such as poor ventilation will form a high temperature, high humidity and low airflow meteorological conditions, namely hot and humid environment.
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