A simple solvothermal route towards the morphological control of ZnO and tuning of its optical and p

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yingzi1100
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ZnO nanoparticles with different morphologies were solvothermally synthesized by controlling the alkali (sodium hydroxide) concentration in an isopropanol solution.The products were characterized by means of powder X-ray diffraction,UV-visible absorption spectra,scanning electron microscopy,transmission electron microscopy,and selected area electron diffraction.The morphologies of the formed ZnO nanocrystals were dependent on the concentration of the alkali,and with increases of sodium hydroxide concentration,the ZnO nanocrystals evolved from rod to hexagonal bipyramid,and then to a flower-like nanostructure.The flower-like nanostructure resulted from the etching of the hexagonal bipyramid by the excess alkali.The photoluminescence and photocatalytic properties of the prepared ZnO were investigated.The difference of green emission among the ZnO nanocrystals indicated that a higher sodium hydroxide concentration led to a higher level of defects.The size,the surface structure and defects in the ZnO nanocrystals affected its photo-degradation characteristics. ZnO nanoparticles with different morphologies were solvothermally synthesized by controlling the alkali (sodium hydroxide) concentration in an isopropanol solution. The products were characterized by means of powder X-ray diffraction, UV-visible absorption spectra, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and selected area electron diffraction. The morphologies of the formed ZnO nanocrystals were dependent on the concentration of the alkali, and with increases of sodium hydroxide concentration, the ZnO nanocrystals evolved from rod to hexagonal bipyramid, and then to a flower-like nanostructure. flower -like nanostructure resulted from the etching of the hexagonal bipyramid by the excess alkali. The photoluminescence and photocatalytic properties of the prepared ZnO were investigated. The difference of green emission among the ZnO nanocrystals indicated that a higher sodium hydroxide concentration led to a higher level of defect.The size, the surface structure and defects in the ZnO nanocrystals affected its photo-degradation characteristics.
2010年8月3日,住房和城乡建设部发布《城镇燃气切断阀和放散阀》城镇建设行业产品标准,编号为CJ/T335—2010,自2011年2月1日起实施。 On August 3, 2010, the Ministry of H
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和树打了17年交道的詹凤春拥有一种“超能力”,能在1000多棵树里1秒认出某一棵树的名字,还有它们的分布、生理特色,甚至它们的感情。对,没错,她认为树是有感情的,它们会哭,流树汁,就是树患了病因疼痛而留下的眼泪。  树在日本拥有非常高的地位,各种节气都围绕着树展开,赏樱、赏枫、赏梅……他们把老树当做神一样膜拜,对着树合掌,敬礼,鞠躬,还会请树喝酒。要拿到日本树木医执照是件困难的事,考证的第一个条件