
来源 :世界制造技术与装备市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vivian16s
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随着数控技术的飞速发展,使我国的数控机床有了深刻的发展和变化,使机械制造业的生产技术与管理技术升到了一个新的台阶,并大大推动了机电产品的发展。 目前,衡量机床产品水平的重要标志是数控机床的占有率。我国机床的拥有量和年产量在世界位居前三名但在机床中数控机床拥有量及产量的构成比不足6%,并且其中70%属经济型。直接关系着我国机械制造装备水平的基础机械——机床研业,已经受到了国家和社会的空前重视,并将以数控技术为代表的机床工具工业列为特定的产业,机械部制定的产业政策及机械工业振兴纲要以及科技发展中都把基础机械放到各项振兴 With the rapid development of numerical control technology, China’s CNC machine tools have undergone profound development and changes, so that the production technology and management technology of machinery manufacturing industry has risen to a new level, and the development of electromechanical products has been greatly promoted. At present, an important indicator of the level of machine tool products is the number of CNC machine tools. China’s machine tool ownership and annual production rank the top three in the world, but the composition ratio of the number of machine tools and the output of CNC machine tools is less than 6%, and 70% of them are economic types. The machine tool research industry, which has a direct bearing on the level of China’s machinery manufacturing equipment, has received unprecedented attention from the state and society. The machine tool industry represented by numerical control technology is classified as a specific industry, and the industrial policy formulated by the Ministry of Machinery Industry. And the development of the machinery industry and the development of science and technology all put basic machinery into various
随着粮油购销和价格的放开,粮食加工机械需求开始升温,粮油加工企业已不满足小批量加工的规模,对中型稻谷碾米设备、中型精白米加工设备的需求不断增加,据有关部门反 With
6月24日,成都市轻工业局召开了“皮革助剂开发应用协调会”。成都、彭州等市县制革厂家的负责人和工程技术人员参加了会议。 会上,皮革助剂的开发单位——成都蓝风实业股份
根据国家批准的1 993一!995年获亚洲开发银行贷款的4个水电项目如下表。列入贷款计划年份电站名称建设地点单机容量(M份)X台数水头范围 (阅)设计单位!993广州抽水蓄翻’电站
目前我国市场上有十类食品包装机械需求旺盛。计有: 袋成型——充填——封口包装机;医药用包装机;屠宰、肉类加工机械,罐头加工机械;糕点、饼干生产成套设备;果蔬保鲜成套设
1993年法国汽车产量为324万辆,居全球第4位,仅次于日本(850万辆)、美国(600万辆)及德国(380万辆)。 汽车工业为法国首要重工业之一,占1993年制造业产值的11.6%,总劳动人口的8
在美国汽车市场运动休闲车(Sport-U-tility Vehicle)正成为热销车种。运动休闲车包括小货车、厢式车和四轮驱动车等。以前,此类车被看成是蓝领阶层的象征,但它和水洗蓝牛仔