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作者分研究组和对照组观察了山莨菪硷在子宫输卵管造影中的价值.研究组519例,在造影前肌注山莨菪硷(654—2)10mg,对照组521例,术前不注射654—2.结果发现,对照组中有114例因痉挛而造成输卵管一侧不显影(79例)或两侧不显影(35例),其中30例是随后使用了654—2才发现输卵管远端病变.研究组无此现象发现,统计学处理,两种方法具有显著性差异(X~2=129.33,P<0.01).作者认为:术前常规注射654—2有助于输卵管疾病的诊断和鉴别诊断,可减少漏诊率和误诊率,文中还简要讨论了输卵管的解剖特点. The sub-study group and control group observed anisodamine in hysterosalpingography value of 519 cases in the study group, intramuscular injection of anisodamine (654-2) 10mg, 521 cases of control group before injection without injection of 654 -2. The results showed that in the control group, 114 cases of spasm caused by the tubal side of the non-imaging (79 cases) or both sides of the non-imaging (35 cases), of which 30 cases were followed by the use of 654-2 was found distal tubal The study group did not find this phenomenon, statistical analysis, the two methods have significant differences (X ~ 2 = 129.33, P <0.01) .According to the author: preoperative routine injection of 654-2 contribute to the diagnosis of tubal disease and Differential diagnosis can reduce the rate of missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis, the article also briefly discussed the anatomical features of tubal.
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