
来源 :学生之友(小学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tower2008
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一个国家的稳定与发展离不开和谐,一个家庭的幸福安康离不开和谐,社区邻里间人们都需要相互之间团结友爱和谐相处,乃至学校。学校是老师和学生组成的共同体,是一个大的团队。这个团队发展的好坏,决定于教师。学生的发展也决定于教师。特别是对我们英语教师来说,师生关系的好坏对英语教学的影响尤为重要。那么怎样保持和谐的师生关系,提高英语质量呢?教师首先学会宽容,赏识,尊重学生。有效利用好的情感资源,达到师生间情感共鸣。同时也要学会反思和勇于自我批评来营造和谐的教学氛围。师生关系如何,是教学成败的重要因素,教师在教学中要不断激发学生学爿兴趣,完善学生学爿的心理机制,也是教师与学生共同活动的过程,是教师引导下的学生的学爿过程。教师是传授知识的,在发展学生智力的同时,要有相互间 The stability and development of a country can not be separated from harmony. The happiness and well-being of a family can not be separated from harmony. All people in a community neighborhood need to get along with each other and form a harmonious relationship and even schools. The school is a community of teachers and students and is a big team. The development of this team is good or bad, decided by the teacher. The development of students also depends on the teacher. Especially for our English teachers, the relationship between teacher and student is very important to English teaching. So how to maintain a harmonious relationship between teachers and students to improve the quality of English? Teachers must first learn to tolerance, appreciation, respect for students. Effective use of good emotional resources to achieve emotional resonance between teachers and students. At the same time, we must learn to reflect on and brave ourselves to create a harmonious teaching atmosphere. The relationship between teachers and students, is an important factor in teaching success or failure, teachers in teaching to constantly stimulate interest in learning to improve the psychological mechanism of students learning, teachers and students are also common activities of the process, is the teacher-led student learning process. Teachers are imparting knowledge, in the development of student intelligence at the same time, there must be mutual
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