
来源 :解放军预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:soar
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为了做好部队卫生防疫工作,提高部队健康水平,我们于1986年至1988年对来自河南省和山东省的8512名新兵进行了结核感染情况调查,现报告如下。 (一) 调查时间与方法 (1) 调查时间均在每年新兵初入营房后集中训练期间进行。(2) 调查方法 ①结核菌素试验 用武汉生物制品研究所1∶2000旧结核菌素稀释液,于前臂中部内侧进行常规消毒后,皮内注射上述稀释液0.1ml,分别于24,48,72h各观察局部反应1次,并准确记录72h反应结果,凡无局部反应或虽有红肿反应但其直径在5mm以内者均判为阴性。根据直径大小及有无水疱溃疡、坏死等情况按+~++++区分。②胸部透视,8512名新兵全部常规透视,有必要时进行拍片检查。 In order to do a good job in the health and epidemic prevention work of the armed forces and improve the health status of the armed forces, we conducted a survey on the prevalence of tuberculosis among 8,512 recruits from Henan Province and Shandong Province from 1986 to 1988 and are reported as follows. (A) of the survey time and methods (1) The survey time is recruited each year recruits into the barracks after intensive training period. (2) Method of investigation ① tuberculin test Wuhan Institute of Biological Products 1: 2000 old tuberculin dilution, in the middle of the forearm routine disinfection, intradermal injection of the above dilution 0.1ml, respectively, at 24,48, 72h observed the local reaction time 1, and accurately record 72h reaction results, where no local reaction or although there is swelling reaction but the diameter of 5mm were found to be negative. According to the size of the diameter and blisters ulcer, necrosis and other conditions by + ~ ++++ distinction. ② chest perspective, 8512 recruits all the conventional perspective, when necessary, filming.
近年来由于抗生素和激素的大量应用 ,霉菌性肺炎的发病率有明显增加趋势。致病菌常见的有 :放线菌、念珠菌、曲菌、胞浆菌、奴卡氏和隐球菌等。霉菌性肺炎的X线表现多种多样 ,
几乎所有的孩子都梦想过拥有一个毛茸茸的动物朋友。但是,在你大喊着“不可能”或者提着装动物的篮子回家之前,请花点时间思考一下。 Almost all children have dreamed of
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