随着医疗制度进一步的改革,越来越多的个人将承担部分乃至全部的医疗费用。当前逐年上涨的处方高金额正成为老百姓的聚焦点。这一问题如得不到重视和解决,势必阻碍医疗卫生事业的发展。1 处方高金额的成因分析1.1 药品的特殊性 日常生活中一般的商品,人们可以根据各自家庭条件和需要购买,具有较大的选择性。而药品是一种特殊的商品,当治病救命时,药品的价值就大
With the further reform of the medical system, more and more individuals will bear part or all of their medical expenses. The current year-on-year increase in the amount of prescriptions is becoming the focus of ordinary people. If this problem can not be taken seriously and resolved, it will inevitably hinder the development of medical and health undertakings. Analysis of the causes of a high amount of prescriptions 1.1 The particularity of drugs The general merchandise in daily life, people can buy according to their family conditions and needs, with greater selectivity. The medicine is a special kind of medicine. When the medicine is saved, the value of the medicine is great