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自白话新诗运动始,新诗取代旧体诗登上历史舞台。除了诗体解放以外,诗歌意识的觉醒也是其现代性的重要表现之一。在整个新诗发展史中,诗歌意识的表现因时代环境的变迁、外来文化的影响以及诗人主体情感的不同而呈现出纷繁复杂的态势。处于新诗发展鼎盛阶段的20世纪30年代诗坛出现了许多影响深远的诗歌流派。从以表现革命激情为己任的革命诗歌到对诗歌进行格律化、艺术化的格律诗派、象征诗派,再到将诗歌内化为主体情感的现代诗派,20世纪30年代的诗人们从不同方面对诗歌的内在特质——诗歌意识进行了探索。本文将20世纪30年代诗歌的主要流派对于诗歌意识的表现归纳为三种态势——遮蔽、规约与内化,以此为切入点,探索诗歌意识在新诗中的发展及演变过程。 Vernacular new poetry movement, new poetry to replace the old poetry boarded the stage of history. In addition to the liberation of the poetic style, the awakening of poetic awareness is also one of the important manifestations of its modernity. Throughout the history of the development of new poetry, the performance of poetic awareness has shown a complicated situation due to the changes of the times and the environment, the influence of foreign cultures, and the emotion of the poet. In the heyday of the development of new poetry, many influential poetry schools emerged in the 1930s poetry circles. From the revolutionary poetry, whose mission is to manifest the revolutionary passion, to the rhythmical poetic school, the symbolic school of poetry, and the modern poet school that internalizes poetry into the main emotion. The poets from the 1930s Different aspects of the inherent characteristics of poetry - poetry awareness were explored. This article summarizes the performance of poetry awareness of the major schools of poetry in the 1930s into three kinds of situations: obscuring, statutory and internalization, and using this as a starting point to explore the development and evolution of poetry awareness in new poetry.
背景与目的:  NK/T细胞淋巴瘤(natural killer/T-cell lymphoma,NKTCL)是非霍奇金淋巴瘤的一类亚型,发病率在 T细胞淋巴瘤中占首位,以“高侵袭、易复发、预后差”为特点,具有独