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武当一词在我心目中的分量犹如昆仑、泰山,其中注入了太深刻的中国文化基因的历史沉淀,有着太沉重的意义,有着太浓郁的情感。对于这些地方的向往,对于这几个名词的憧憬,犹如梦寐时代人类对光明的追寻,犹如历史洪流中对自由的渴盼。去一趟武当,感受武当文化,领悟武当大道,何尝不是一桩幸事。八月,和朋友去了武当,回来的时候,自己已然换了模样。天下武功少林武当,两大源头,令人神往。刚开始的时候,并没有想到自己这么快就可以去武当山悟道。从湖南驱车前往武当山,原本遥远的距离因为自身工作的原因变得近了,近到触手可及。在好友曾哥的要求下,我和他背着帐篷,游览了一番这座令我魂牵梦绕多年的 The word Wudang is in my heart like Kunlun and Taishan. It injects a profound history of the Chinese cultural gene into the world. It has such a heavy meaning and too rich feelings. The yearning for these places and the longing for these terms are like the pursuit of light by mankind in the dream-dreaming era, like the longing for freedom in the torrent of history. To a trip to Wudang, feel Wudang culture, Wudang avenue to understand, is not it a blessing. In August, I went to Wudang with my friend. When I came back, I already changed my appearance. Shaolin martial arts world martial arts, two major sources, fascinating. At the beginning, I did not think I could go to Wudang Mountain so quickly. Drove to Hunan from Wudang Mountains, the original distance because of their own work has become close, close to reach. At the request of my friend Zeng Ge, I and his back carrying tents, tour some of my dreams around for many years
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陈家洛很多人说过陈家洛是个失败的人物,但我怀疑每个人都有一个阶段梦想过做陈家洛那样的人:出身高贵而平民化,文武全才,风度翩翩,重情重义,有崇高理想,为 Many people in
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编辑同志: 贵刊是我最爱读的刊物之一。我是一个年过半百的城郊居民,以种莱为生。今有一事特来信贵刊询问。即我的妻子于1994年结识了一个身份不明、住址不详的走私贩子金的