Patient, female, 69 years old. The inferior mass under the right ear was 14 years old and was admitted on December 9, 1987. 14 years ago there was no obvious incentive to find a large mass in front of the right ear. It was painless, slow-growing, and untreated. In the past two months, the size of the mass has significantly increased to the size of an adult’s head. Four days ago, he accidentally fell and bruised. He had bleeding, accompanied by severe, chicken-like pain and exudate, poor appetite and spirit. Admission examination: T38.4 °C, facial features, a large volleyball mass on the right neck (diameter of about 28cm), nodular, medium quality, in some areas with bladder sexy. The surface of the tumor was rough skin, and there were 3 copper coins on the surface. See purulent exudates. No abnormalities in heart and lungs. Laboratory inspection: WBC11200, N80%,