我是某家电品牌在 SZ 地区的销售主管。上任伊始,县级市场的供价和零售价与市内终端是统一的。由于我们把主要的精力和资源集中投放在市区,对县级市场关注较少,县级市场经销商普遍缺乏积极性。后来我们为了鼓励县级经销商,在原供价的基础上,供价折让了10点,原以为高毛利会提高县级经销商的工作积极性,会有好的市场回报,结果却适得其反:一是经销商该赚的钱赚不到,不能按正常的零售价卖出;二是价格体系混乱;三是市场的销量没有多大提升。面对这种情况,我该从何入手?
I am a home appliance brand in the SZ sales director. At the beginning of office, the supply and retail prices in the county market were unified with those in the city. Since we focused our energies and resources on the urban areas and paid less attention to the county-level markets, the market dealers at the county level generally lacked enthusiasm. Later, in order to encourage county dealers, on the basis of the original price, a discount of 10 points was given. It was thought that a high gross profit would enhance the enthusiasm of the dealers at the county level and give a good market return, the result was counterproductive: Is the dealer earn money earned, can not be sold at the normal retail price; Second, the price system chaos; Third, the market sales did not improve much. In the face of this situation, where should I start?