
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanglang1
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一、实验简况1979年在北京召开九省市语文教材改革会议之后,陕西省、西安市先后成立语文教材改革领导小组,并选点进行实验.同年九月我校被定为省、市试点之一,学校成立了语文教改组,制定了实验方案,从十一月份开始,在初中一年级四个班同时开展语文教材改革实验.实验一年,效果显著,特别是教材改革推动了教法改革.使多年来很难解决的“精讲多练”、“讲练结合”以及学生作文难的问题得到了较好的解决,学生的学习兴趣和积极性有了明显的提高.因此,学校领导决定1980年秋季在初一四个班继续进行第二轮实验.此后,我校初中各年级共有10轮,40多个班使用我校自编实验教材.1981年11月《中学语文教学》在头版发表了陕西省教科所写的对我校教改实验的评介文章 I. Brief Introduction of Experiments After the conference on the reform of Chinese teaching materials in nine provinces and cities was held in Beijing in 1979, the leading group for the reform of Chinese teaching materials was set up successively in Shaanxi Province and Xi’an, and some of them were selected for experiments. In September of the same year, our school was designated as a pilot for provinces and cities First, the school set up a language teaching reform group, developed the experimental program, starting from November, the first year of junior high school four classes at the same time to carry out the reform of Chinese teaching materials experiments one year, the effect is significant, especially textbook reform to promote the reform of teaching law The problems that have been difficult to solve for many years, such as “stressing and practicing more,” “practicing and combining with stressors,” and difficulties in student writing have been solved well and the interest and enthusiasm of students have been significantly improved. Therefore, the school leadership decided In the autumn of 1980, the first round of experiment was continued in the first four classes, and since then, there have been 10 rounds of junior high school in our school with more than 40 classes using our own experimental teaching materials. Version published in Shaanxi Province, the textbook written by our school teaching reform evaluation articles
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