
来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FOFOXX
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目的摸清三水区中小学生结核菌感染和患病情况,控制结核病在学校流行和传播。方法抽取佛山市三水区中小学新生进行PPD皮肤试验,强阳性者进行胸片检查,胸片异常者予痰抗酸染色涂片;胸片未见异常者,知情同意下予以预防性服药。数据应用采用SPSS18.0统计分析,方法包括统计描述、行列表的χ2检验等。结果佛山市三水区中小学生总阳性人数为5481人,阳性率为44.47%;强阳性人数为230人,强阳性率为1.87%;发现1例活动性肺结核患者,患病率为8.11/10万。不同性别组PPD试验结果:受检男生中,阳性为2952人(42.9%)、强阳性为103人(1.5%);受检女生中,阳性为2529人(46.5%)、强阳性为127人(2.3%);不同性别组学生之间PPD试验结果差异有统计学意义。(χ2=32.2P<0.01)。女生的阳性率、强阳性率高于男生。不同年级组PPD试验结果:受检初中生中,阳性为3341人(47.7%)、强阳性为138人(2.0%);受检小学生中,阳性为2140人(40.2%)、强阳性为92人(1.7%);不同年级组学生之间PPD试验结果差异有统计学意义。(χ2=72.7P<0.01)。初中生的阳性率、强阳性率高于小学生。结论佛山市三水区学校结核防控工作成绩显著,中小学学生结核菌感染率在国内处于中低水平,活动性肺结核患病率较低。应继续加强学校结核病防治工作,定期开展结核病的筛查,控制学校结核病的发生和传播。 Objective To find out the prevalence and prevalence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis among primary and secondary school students in Sanshui District and to control the prevalence and spread of TB in schools. Methods Primary and secondary freshmen in Sanshui District of Foshan City were enrolled in PPD skin test. The patients with strong positive were examined by X-ray and the others with abnormal chest radiography were sputum acid-stained smear. No abnormal chest X-ray was observed and prophylactic medication was taken with informed consent. Data applications using SPSS18.0 statistical analysis, methods include statistical description, row list χ2 test. Results The total positive number of primary and secondary school students in Sanshui District of Foshan City was 5481, with a positive rate of 44.47%. The number of strong positives was 230 and the strong positive rate was 1.87%. The prevalence of active pulmonary tuberculosis in one case was 8.11 / 10 Million Results of PPD test in different genders: 2952 (42.9%) were positive, 103 (1.5%) were positive, 2529 (46.5%) were positive, and 127 were strongly positive (2.3%). There were significant differences in PPD test results between students of different genders. (χ2 = 32.2 P <0.01). The positive rate of girls, strong positive rate than boys. The results of PPD in different grade groups showed that 3341 (47.7%) were positive and 138 (2.0%) were positive, while 2140 (40.2%) were positive, and the strong positive was 92 Person (1.7%). There was significant difference in PPD test results among students in different grades. (χ2 = 72.7 P <0.01). The positive rate of junior high school students, strong positive rate higher than primary school students. Conclusion The prevention and control work of tuberculosis in Sanshui District of Foshan City is remarkable. The prevalence of tuberculosis among primary and middle school students is at a low level in China and the prevalence of active tuberculosis is low. Should continue to strengthen the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis in schools, regular screening of tuberculosis, control of school tuberculosis and spread.
目的 比较度洛西汀与帕罗西汀治疗抑郁症的疗效.方法 68例患者分为度洛西汀和帕罗西汀组治疗8周,分别在治疗前及第1、2、4、8 周末进行汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD-17)及其全身症
目的 探讨科学合理的排班方法在我院骨科实施对护患的影响.方法借鉴APN排班方法,将患者直接分给责任护士,同时结合骨科患者的特点,调整每班的人力和上班的时间,与改变前的排
目的探讨闭合性肾损伤的诊治方法。方法回顾总结我院 1990~ 1999年 10 6例肾损伤患者的诊治资料。结果血尿 10 2例 ,合并腹腔脏器损伤 10例 ,B超、CT检查可快速明确诊断。非手
目的回顾分析我院不同时期救治大面积烧伤疗效比较.方法对烧伤面积 50%以上或小儿26%以上TBSA、共610例,分为两组,A组(1978年12月~1988年12月)240例, 采用传统保痂治疗.B组(19