
来源 :牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bleachji
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作者在研究了IL-1β对人牙周膜纤维细胞(humen periodontal ligament fi broblast,HPLF)DNA合成功能调节作用的基础上,采用核酸杂交,分子探针技术,动态观察了IL-1β(100u/ml)对该细胞的c-myc基因表达的影响,以期从基因水平探讨IL-1β促进人牙周膜纤维细胞DNA合成的作用机理以及IL-1β与尖周病、牙周病发病、修复的相互关系。结果发现,HPLF经IL-1β处理后,c-mgc基因表达信号显著增强。表明IL-1β具有促进HPLF的c-myc基因表达的作用;IL-1β诱导HPLF的DNA合成可能主要作用于细胞分裂的GO/G_1期;IL-1β在尖周病,牙周病的纤维化愈合过程中可能起着一定的积极效应。 On the basis of studying the regulatory effect of IL-1β on DNA synthesis in human periodontal ligament cell wall fibroblasts (HPLFs), the authors used nucleic acid hybridization and molecular probe techniques to dynamically observe the effects of IL-1β (100u / ml) on the c-myc gene expression of the cells in order to explore the role of IL-1β in promoting DNA synthesis of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts at the gene level as well as the role of IL-1β in the pathogenesis and repair of periodontal disease and periodontal disease Interrelationship. The results showed that, after IL-1β treatment, the expression of c-mgc gene was significantly increased. IL-1β could promote the expression of c-myc gene in HPLF; IL-1βinduced HPLF DNA synthesis may mainly play a role in the cell division GO / G_1 phase; IL-1β in apical and periodontal fibrosis Healing process may play a positive effect.
〔本刊讯〕 中国建筑学会建筑师学会工业建筑专业学术委员会第二届学术研讨会于1993年6月16日~18日在上海召开。会议主题为“工业建筑的空间与环境”。会议由委员会的挂靠单位
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