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介绍俄罗斯油气资源开发利用现状和相应的政策调整、我国目前与俄罗斯在油气产业的合作情况,并分析了俄罗斯有关油气开发合作的主要法律以及与之配套的许可证、税收、环境保护等制度,最后通过现有油气合作法律环境的分析给出了相应的对策建议,以期推进两国在油气领域的进一步合作。俄罗斯正通过修改相关政策、法规的方式摆脱乌克兰危机的困扰,将油气合作重心从欧洲转向亚太地区,这与我国“一带一路”的建设不谋而合。俄罗斯有比较完善的油气资源勘探开发的法律法规,投资环境逐步改善,但外商对俄罗斯的投资仍存在不少风险。我国企业要深入研究俄罗斯的法律,结合自身实际和战略目标要求,严格遵守俄罗斯相关法律制度,加强自身管理,合理选择对俄罗斯油气投资的组织形式和股权比例,与俄罗斯大型油气企业合作,以降低投资风险,维护自身权益。 The current situation of oil and gas resources development and utilization in Russia and corresponding policy adjustments are introduced. At present, the cooperation between Russia and Russia in the oil and gas industry is analyzed. The main laws on oil and gas exploitation and cooperation in Russia and their accompanying permit, taxation and environmental protection systems are also analyzed. Finally, through the analysis of the legal environment of the existing oil and gas cooperation, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are given in order to promote the further cooperation between the two countries in the field of oil and gas. Russia is getting rid of the crisis in Ukraine by amending the relevant policies and regulations and shifting its focus of oil and gas cooperation from Europe to the Asia-Pacific region. This coincides with the building of our “Belt and Road”. Russia has relatively perfect oil and gas exploration and development laws and regulations, and gradually improve the investment environment, but foreign investment in Russia there are still many risks. Chinese enterprises should study Russian laws in depth, combine their own requirements with their strategic objectives, strictly observe the relevant legal systems of Russia, strengthen their own management and rationally choose the forms of organization and proportion of oil and gas investments in Russia and cooperate with major Russian oil and gas companies in order to reduce their Investment risk, safeguard their own rights and interests.