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本期刊登了赵国勋同志所写的关于“为用户服务”的文章、虽然在1985年机械工业部曾发了“机械工业企业为用户服务试行办法”(85)机质字89号文,但这个问题是一个需要长期努力的大问题,在实践中也需不断发展,值得我们大家不断学习。从这篇文章中我们很容易理解,在为用户服务这个问题上,必须在观念上加以转变,在实践上加以兑现。例如为用户服务是在商品生产中进行竞争的一个重要因素,它是企业的一项主要的经营活动方针。为用户服务是了解用户需要,学习生产工艺要求以及用户使用经验的一个重要途径,因而也是提高已有产品的质量和开发新型产品,进行信息反馈的重要手段。为用户服务,可有利于得到产品的使用效益,形成生产能力,促进社会效益的重要方法。所以有人说,产品一直到“用户好用了”,才算制造厂完成了“制造过程”,这是完全可以理解的。此外,在企业内部往往强调“分工”,而为用户服务则是高度的“综合”,因而它也是提高职工素质培养优秀人才的重要方法。为此,我们必须提高对“为用户服务”的自觉性,逐渐使这一工作向深度和广度发展。本文中提出“为用户服务要抓全过程和全系统”。全过程是从研究设计开始—直到售后服务都包括在内。只抓后面的为用户服务是不行的,因为前边工作中埋伏下的潜在向题,到后边时是难以解决的。全系统应指产品与成套设备之问的外部联系,这一点搞不好,也是难以形成生产力的。从以上这些观念出发,以下的一些情况,就是再也不能容忍的了。例如:重视数量,轻视质量的思想;重视主机,轻视辅机的思想,重视整机,轻视配件的思想;重视产品的生产,轻视为用户保修的思想(有的甚至是生产本身的缺陷而造成的事故,也不积极进行“三包”);重视产品出厂合格算数,忽视产品使用可靠性和寿命的思想;重视出售产品,轻视为用户培训使用人员的思想;重视本企业的经济效益,忽视整个社会效益的思想,等等。本刊刊登赵国勋同志文章的目的,是希望大家来讨论“为用户服务”这个大问题.恳切希望大家结合具体事例来函来稿展开讨论。 In this issue, articles written by Comrade Zhao Guoxun on “Service to Customers” were published. Although in 1985, the Ministry of Machinery Industry issued the “Mechanical Industrial Enterprise for User Service Trial Measures” (85) Machine Quality Word 89, but this The problem is a big problem that requires long-term efforts. It needs continuous development in practice and it is worth learning continuously by all of us. From this article, we can easily understand that in order to serve the user, we must change the concept and fulfill it in practice. For example, customer service is an important factor in competition in the production of goods. It is a major business activity policy of a company. Serving users is an important way to understand user needs, learn production process requirements and user experience, and it is also an important means to improve the quality of existing products and develop new products and information feedback. Serving users can be beneficial to obtain product use efficiency, form production capacity, and promote social benefits. So some people say that the product has been “users easy to use,” only that the manufacturer completed the “manufacturing process”, which is completely understandable. In addition, within the company, the “work division” is often emphasized, and the service to the users is highly “integrated”. Therefore, it is also an important method for improving the quality of employees and training excellent talents. To this end, we must improve our awareness of “serving the user” and gradually make this work deeper and wider. This article puts forward that “serving the user needs to grasp the whole process and the whole system.” The whole process begins with research and design—until after-sales service is included. It is not enough to only serve customers afterwards, because the underlying ambiguities in the front work are difficult to solve when they are behind. The whole system should refer to the external links between products and complete sets of equipment. If this is not done well, it is also difficult to achieve productivity. Starting from these concepts, the following situations are no longer tolerated. For example: emphasis on quantity, ignoring the quality of thinking; emphasis on the host, ignoring the idea of ​​the auxiliary machine, focusing on the whole machine, ignoring the idea of ​​accessories; emphasis on the production of the product, regarded as the idea of ​​the user warranty (some even caused by the defects of the production itself The accident does not actively carry out the “Three Guarantees”); it attaches great importance to the idea that the product is manufactured and qualified; it neglects the idea of ​​product reliability and longevity; it attaches great importance to the sale of products; it regarded it as the user’s idea of ​​training the use of personnel; The whole idea of ​​social benefits, etc. The purpose of the publication of Comrade Zhao Guoxun’s article in this journal is to hope that everyone will discuss the big issue of “serving the user”. I sincerely hope that everyone will discuss the case with a specific case letter.
【摘要】本文着重论述了如何通过对学生进行直觉思维、形象思维、灵感思维等训练来提高他们的非逻辑思维能力。  【关键词】非逻辑思维 数学教学 创新能力 形象思维  【中图分类号】G633.6【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)08-0152-02  在我们进行的中、小学教学大纲中,强调的是对学生运算能力,空间想象能力以及逻辑思维的训练,没有涉及非逻辑思维能力的培养与训练。在我国高
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