
来源 :哲学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:studentxp2007
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This paper tries to demonstrate that the spiritual essence of scientific outlook on development can be comprehended from multi-perspectives and multi-dimension.From the theoretical dimension,it aims to pursue the harmonious relationships between man and nature,man and society,people and people.Capitalism could not completely resolve three kinds of harmonious relations because of its social system which centers on capital as its axle.Socialism can achieve three harmonious relations because of its essential benefits of the whole society’s existence and development to fulfill the essential interests of whole people.From political values,it aims at the full achievement of the essential interests,which CPC serves people heart and soul.From the perspective of practice,it seeks rational result of the quality of growth,which pursues the speed in the development of economy and society. This paper tries to demonstrate that the spiritual essence of scientific outlook on development can be comprehended from multi-perspectives and multi-dimension. From the theoretical dimension, it aims to pursue the harmonious relationships between man and nature, man and society, people and people .Capitalism could not completely resolve three kinds of harmonious relations because of its social system which centers on capital as its axle.Socialism can achieve three harmonious relations because of its essential benefits of the whole society’s existence and development to fulfill the essential interests of whole people .From political values, it aims at the full achievement of the essential interests, which CPC people people and soul. Focus the perspective of practice, it seeks rational result of the quality of growth, which pursues the speed in the development of economy and society.
<正> 小提琴之所以被人们喜爱是因其本身具有的特点决定的,如发音酷似人声,音域广阔,能同时发出多声部等。更重要的是它可以把用文学语言所不能表达的情感,通过各种演技及多
可以说面对课程改革的今天,应多方面激发学生学习的兴趣,挖掘学生兴趣的潜在因素。当前的小学语文教学实践中,教师应确立学生的主体地位,实行学生主动参与的探究式学习,掌握学生年龄及心理特点与因材施教相结合。《语文课程标准》强调指出:“充分激发学生的主动意识和进取精神,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。” 既然“语文学习”是一种生活,学生便是学习的主人,应该充分发挥自己的主体作用,“主要由学生自行设计和组织