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如果说冷战结束后非洲由于在世界政治经济基本格局中战略地位下降而被人冷落,逐渐“边缘化”,那么,近几年来,随着非洲经济好转,政局渐趋稳定,南非新政府成立并重返国际社会,非洲则开始重新受到西方大国的关注。美国前商务部长布朗在1996年2月访问非洲5国时说:“现在是美国改变对非洲看法的时候了。贫穷、落后、战争与难民并不是黑非洲的全部。从我访问过的这些国家,我看到的是巨大的经济潜力和贸易机会。”法国负责海外发展的部长雅克·戈德弗雷甚至预言:“非洲撒哈拉以南地区在21世纪将成为经济强大的地区,可以同今天的亚 If after the end of the Cold War, Africa was left out and gradually “marginalized” because of its strategic decline in the basic political and economic structure of the world, then in recent years, with the improvement of the African economy and the political stabilization, the new South African government will be formed Returning to the international community, Africa has begun to regain the attention of the big Western countries. In a February 1996 visit to five African countries, Brown said: “Now it is time for the United States to change its view of Africa.Poverty, backwardness, war and refugees are not all of Black Africa, and from the countries I have visited, I see huge economic potential and trade opportunities. ”Jacques Godfrey, the French Minister for Overseas Development, even predicted:" Sub-Saharan Africa will become a very economically powerful area in the 21st century,
沈阳音乐学院南校区乐音与健康系,经省教育厅批准于2007年9月成立,是东北三省最早开办乐音与健康教学与临床实践机构的单位,并 The Department of Music and Health of the
Background The development of the targeted signal transduction inhibitor STI571 has prompted us to treat chronic myeloid leukemia in different ways. Since STI57
Objective To investgate the metabolism of terephthalic acid (TPA) in rats and its mechanism. Methods Metabolism was evaluated by incubating sodium terephthalate
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探讨在物理教学中遇到模型变换的主要障碍,分析了产生障碍的原因.并阐述了模型变换的两种方式,在很大程度上培养了学生模型变换的能力. This paper discusses the main obst
一、前言1.金属磁粉的用途金属磁粉是指单质铁和铁基合金等强磁性粉末。在涂布型磁记录介质中,金属磁粉具有良好的特性,如γ-Fe_2O_3磁粉的矫顽力在15.92~35.82 kA/M 之间,而