A Sensor-based SLAM Algorithm for Camera Tracking in Virtual Studio

来源 :International Journal of Automation & Computing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hfzwl
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This paper addresses a sensor-based simultaneous localization and mapping(SLAM)algorithm for camera tracking in a virtual studio environment.The traditional camera tracking methods in virtual studios are vision-based or sensor-based.However,the chroma keying process in virtual studios requires color cues,such as blue background,to segment foreground objects to be inserted into images and videos.Chroma keying limits the application of vision-based tracking methods in virtual studios since the background cannot provide enough feature information.Furthermore,the conventional sensor-based tracking approaches suffer from the jitter,drift or expensive computation due to the characteristics of individual sensor system.Therefore,the SLAM techniques from the mobile robot area are first investigated and adapted to the camera tracking area.Then,a sensor-based SLAM extension algorithm for two dimensional(2D)camera tracking in virtual studio is described.Also,a technique called map adjustment is proposed to increase the accuracy and efficiency of the algorithm.The feasibility and robustness of the algorithm is shown by experiments.The simulation results demonstrate that the sensor-based SLAM algorithm can satisfy the fundamental 2D camera tracking requirement in virtual studio environment. This paper addresses a sensor-based simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm for camera tracking in a virtual studio environment. The traditional camera tracking methods in virtual studios are vision-based or sensor-based. Home, the chroma keying process in virtual studios requires color cues, such as blue background, to segment foreground objects to be inserted into images and videos. Chroma keying limits the application of vision-based tracking methods in virtual studios since the background can not provide enough information. Future, the conventional sensor- based tracking proportience suffer from the jitter, drift or expensive computation due to the characteristics of individual sensor system. Before, the SLAM techniques from the mobile robot area are first investigated and adapted to the camera tracking area. Then, a sensor-based SLAM extension algorithm for two dimensional (2D) camera tracking in virtual studio is described. Also, a technique called map adjustment is pr oposed to increase the accuracy and efficiency of the algorithm.The feasibility and robustness of the algorithm is shown by experiments. The simulation results demonstrate that the sensor-based SLAM algorithm may satisfy the fundamental 2D camera tracking requirement in virtual studio environment.
摘要:本文依据语文新课程标准提倡甲“自主、探究、合作”的课堂模式,着重探讨探究性学习方式如何在语文教学中实践、运用,并分别从四方面进行论述,阐明探究性学习方式在语文教学中,特别是改进学生学习方式韵重要意义。  关键词:求异思维 比较阅读 体验情感 基本模式  提倡“自主、探究、合作”的学习方式,逐步改变以教师为中心和以书本为中心地局面,促进学生创造能力与实践能力的发展,实现教育方法从“粉笔+
一、重中西思维优势兼容,给语文“才情”以时代生命。  语言文学,总是最典型地沉淀着一个民族深厚的心理习性、人伦习性和社会习性,于是传统习性印记着民族渊源的“语文才情”。改革开放并加入WTO的当今中国,经济、科技日益全球化,中西文化和思想正在比照中剧烈磨合与交融。中国传统思维重人伦纲常,诗礼传家,温良谦恭,但轻自然法则,乐道安分守己;西方思维则重视揭示事物“为什么”的奥秘,“为求知而从事学术”。中国
摘要:《普通高中英语新课程标准》中明确规定:“高中英语课程应根据高中学生的特点和学习发展的需要,在进一步发展学生基本语言运用能力的同时,着重提高学生用英语获取信息、运用信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力;逐步培养学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力;为学生进一步学习和发展创造必要的条件。”  关键词:阅读课教学 教学设计 快速浏览 精读 归纳 欣赏  《普通高中英语新课程标准》中明确规定:“
摘要:教师必须重新确立高效课堂的教师观、学生观、知识观,物理学科的课堂教学,教师要引导学生从被动地“接受知识”转变为“自主、合作、探究性”的学习知识,注重培养学生科学的探究思想、探究精神和探究能力。  关键词:业务素质 教师观 学生观 知识观 乐学高效  随着课程改革的深入开展,打造物理学科高效课堂模式已经成为一名物理教师的必备的素质和根本任务。经过近几年的探索和实践,本人总结出了一条提高
摘要:随着我们国家高新技术的快速发展,我们国家越来越需要一大批有专业技能的人才,尤其是对于焊接专业人才需求的增加。所以,改革现在焊工技能的教学模式是十分迫切的。本文主要介绍了焊接专业教学模式的改革和创新方法。  关键词:焊接技能 教学模式 改革  1.前言  现在,我们国家的工业化水平在不断的提高,因而,要求生产第一线的焊接技术人员不仅要有一定的理论基础,而且还要求其在一线生产中的技术过硬。所